Sun-Thurs 5:30PM - 10PM; Fri-Sat 5:30PM - 11PM
Mon-Fri 11:45AM-2:30PM
Sat-Sun 10AM-11AM Pastries and Cocktails; 11AM-3PM Full Brunch
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Foursquare © 2025 Realizzato a New York, Chicago, Seattle e Los Angeles
Union Square Park
Union Sq E/W & Broadway (btwn E 14th & E 17th St)
"Love the winter market here!! So many great crafty shops!"
Union Square Greenmarket
Mercato dei contadini
Union Sq W (btwn E 14th & E 17th St)
"Il Farmer's Market preferito dai newyorchesi, dove è possibile trovare i migliori prodotti freschi (frutta, verdura, formaggi) | Newyorkers' favourite farmer's market for the freshest produce"
Regal Union Square ScreenX & 4DX
Sala cinematografica
850 Broadway
"Nice theater for the populated area. Can get pricey, as expected nowadays."
Creato da Daniela Cuevas
200 voci • 252 sostenitori
The Platt 101: NYC's Best Restaurants
Creato da Ryan Williams
100 voci • 973 sostenitori
Creato da David Haber
116 voci • 370 sostenitori
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