Nouveaux items au menu à essayer absolument: poitrine de poulet bio grillé, pain au babeurre, épinards sauté, purée de pois vert, sauce forestière, salade de cresson et haricots verts.
Amazing sommelier and a very decent selection of wines.The Salmon tartar had too much truffle oil wich kind of killed the fish flavor but overall was very nice.The desserts took the prize of the night
Profitez des conseils des sommeliers, ils sont excellents et suivent votre budget à la lettre! // Take advantage of their sommeliers for great advice no matter what your taste or budget.
Good service. Sorry to say that dinner was obly average, I had the catch of the day. Caramel dessert really to die for. Cold and windy in the restaurant makes me not want to go back.
Dégustez sans hésitation la côte de veau grain grillée, tomate de vigne, mozarella, haricots verts fins and more! Delicioussss!!! Cocktails are amazing!!!
Le Local is the look and taste of chic Montréal. Excellent cuisine and a great place for meeting friends over great food, wine and company. Leggi tutto