Le Local

Le Local

(Adesso chiuso)
Ristorante francese$$$$
Ville-Marie, Montréal
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  • Marie-Louicona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Marie-LouNovembre 29, 2012
    È stato qui più di 10 volte
    Nouveaux items au menu à essayer absolument: poitrine de poulet bio grillé, pain au babeurre, épinards sauté, purée de pois vert, sauce forestière, salade de cresson et haricots verts.
  • Reinaldo C.
    Reinaldo CalcañoFebbraio 20, 2012
    Amazing sommelier and a very decent selection of wines.The Salmon tartar had too much truffle oil wich kind of killed the fish flavor but overall was very nice.The desserts took the prize of the night
  • ALT Hotels
    ALT HotelsAprile 7, 2014
    Profitez des conseils des sommeliers, ils sont excellents et suivent votre budget à la lettre! // Take advantage of their sommeliers for great advice no matter what your taste or budget.
  • Linda L.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Linda LDicembre 18, 2017
    Good service. Sorry to say that dinner was obly average, I had the catch of the day. Caramel dessert really to die for. Cold and windy in the restaurant makes me not want to go back.
  • Alex T.
    Alex TsuNovembre 27, 2017
    I swear that the chefs at Le Local must have stole the cookbooks they have in heaven, because this place is incredibly delicious.
  • Rachel S.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Rachel SmithOttobre 16, 2015
    Fantastic cocktails try the Bourbonatix and the jumpin Julia! The steak is delicious as well.
  • Lisa H.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Lisa HinchliffeAgosto 21, 2014
    Great bar area with helpful bartenders. Had an amazing chocolate dessert... layers of chocolate flavors and not overly sweet.
  • Rebecca M.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Rebecca MaldonadoSettembre 14, 2015
    Le Local was very trendy. The cuisine was excellent. The salmon tartare was delicious, but the ravioli was spectacular!
  • Jean-Marc D.
    Jean-Marc De JongheNovembre 2, 2013
    È stato qui più di 50 volte
    Demandez le martini au chocolat de Sebastien. Spectaculaire!
  • Josh W.
    Josh WLuglio 31, 2016
    Phenomenal beef tartare with just the right amount of acid. Very generous portions at that.
  • Jean -Wesley M.
    Jean -Wesley MichelMarzo 10, 2013
    One of my favorite spots in Montreal. The Tokyo express is a nice refreshing cocktail and the food is amazing!
  • Melanie V.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Melanie ValleeSettembre 23, 2012
    È stato qui più di 10 volte
    Salad nicoise or weekly salad is always yummy. Terrace is quite nice in the summer time.
  • Anne-Lovely E.
    Anne-Lovely EtienneLuglio 30, 2011
    Dégustez sans hésitation la côte de veau grain grillée, tomate de vigne, mozarella, haricots verts fins and more! Delicioussss!!! Cocktails are amazing!!!
  • Joe D.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Joe DiabDicembre 8, 2017
    It really is a well run restaurant with great food and a wonderful ambience.
  • Alan W.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Alan WilliamsMaggio 27, 2016
    The best food I had in Montreal. Great for large parties
  • Eric M.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Eric MartineauSettembre 6, 2016
    Try the different seasonal dishes. The chef is amazing
  • Catherine M.
    Catherine MaisonneuveLuglio 31, 2011
    È stato qui più di 5 volte
    La mixologue fait des cocktails géniaux, à essayer, sur la terrasse, évidemment, ahh oui et avec le tartare de saumon...
  • Christine D.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Christine DSettembre 23, 2015
    Should try the beetroot salad with truffle starter, it's amazing!
  • Angelito L.
    Le Local is the look and taste of chic Montréal. Excellent cuisine and a great place for meeting friends over great food, wine and company. Leggi tutto
  • Matt .
    Matt 👀Giugno 18, 2015
    Some of the best halibut I've ever eaten in my life.
  • Alix D.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Alix DaigneaultMarzo 23, 2013
    Les inspirations du chef sont toujours tellement savoureuses! Un must!
  • Alexandre A.
    Alexandre AlleSettembre 29, 2014
    Super expérience, excellent service et carte
  • Christine D.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Christine DSettembre 23, 2015
    That's the fish, my friend said it was delicious
  • Guy V.
    Guy VidraGiugno 1, 2011
    Steak cooked to perfection! Medium rare = pink, bloody and juicy. Looks like things have improved since prior reviews.
  • Catherine M.
    Catherine MaisonneuveGiugno 28, 2011
    È stato qui più di 5 volte
    On aime le menu "Bar" ou le lunch sur la terrasse. On cherche Louis du coin de l'oeil
  • Olivier
    OlivierFebbraio 23, 2014
    Amazing beef tartare
  • Gabrielle L.
    Le tartare de saumon aromatisé à la lime & truffe, la salade de bettrave, wow !
    LUNETZ MONTREALAgosto 15, 2011
    Essayez la purée de pomme de terre a l'ail ... Delicieux ... Mais tout est bon! ... Lunetz.com
  • Louise M.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Louise MontgrainAgosto 7, 2013
    Le tartare de bœuf, succulent!
  • Jean-Philippe H.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Jean-Philippe HaurayMarzo 22, 2013
    Le tartare de boeuf est succulent!
  • Darren M.
    Darren MalletteAgosto 22, 2013
    Hosting company event. Great spot. Gabriel is awesome!
  • Joe T.
    Joe TuzzolinoFebbraio 5, 2012
    È stato qui più di 5 volte
    Fantastic. Good for lunch, excellent for supper
  • Shaun K.
    Shaun KoinerFebbraio 14, 2010
    The ambiance is very trendy and the upbeat lounge/ jazz fusion music compliments the atmosphere very well.
  • Valerie M.
    Valerie MarierGiugno 6, 2011
    La soupe froide au melon...très surprenant comme goût léger et rafraichissant!!!
  • Christine Elizabeth L.
    La nouvelle salade de betteraves 2011 est decevante:( ils ont change la recette et la formule
  • Valerie M.
    Valerie MarierGiugno 6, 2011
    La tartare bœuf excellent vous ne pouvez passez a côté!!!
  • Benny C.
    Benny ChanGennaio 14, 2013
    Try the Casual Fine Dining - #heavenlytasteful
  • Jean-Marc D.
    Jean-Marc De JongheNovembre 23, 2010
    È stato qui più di 50 volte
    Francois pour vos réservations, Elise pour vos choix de vin, Arianne et Andréane pour vos drinks. :)
  • Suzanne M.
    Suzanne MituMarzo 20, 2012
    Les raviolis au canard juste miam miam :)
  • Bertina H.
    Bertina HoFebbraio 20, 2012
    Squash tartlet with mushrooms, snails & watercress- orgasmic!!!
  • Pascal P.
    Pascal PelletierSettembre 29, 2013
    Grosse facture mais la bouffe donnent des orgasmes à chaque bouchée.
  • Emma B.
    Emma BoosAgosto 21, 2010
    great great trendy place, great food even excellent, medium service (not very smily)
  • Rodolfo Thomazette S.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    My steak was burned in outside and the place hadn't nothing special as you would expect for a 9.1 and $$$ restaurant
  • Francis L.
    Francis LamarcheMarzo 3, 2012
    Burger de porc vraiment trop bon !!!
  • Ridha E.
    Ridha El-KhairyMaggio 30, 2018
    Over priced , stingy portions, need to revamp this place because the space is very nice
  • Vanessa D.
    LOVE the beet salad with the little egg on top!! A must for lunch.
  • Aurélie S.
    Aurélie SauthierOttobre 11, 2010
    Foie gras poêlé au boudin noir en entrée de la pure folie!
  • Jean-François P.
    Jean-François ProulxMaggio 5, 2011
    Le tartare est absolument délicieux!
  • Shaun K.
    Shaun KoinerFebbraio 14, 2010
    If you want to splurge for a drink the Tokyo Express is delicious. Like a better lime jolly rancher.
  • Alexandra G.
    Alexandra GNovembre 17, 2010
    La salade de bettraves est DÉMENTE! à essayer absolument...
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