If you have a long layover and your gate is in terminal 2, do not go til closer to your flight time. It is very small and I regret coming here as soon as I did!
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Даже в час ночи оживленно, как днем и работают все магазины. Новые зарегистрированные участники могут удостоиться возможности вместо эконом-класса оказаться в бизнесе! )))
if you have a tax refund, After Immigration, don't be excited to go to the train. Ask first were is the tax refund. Once you're at the boarding gate, no chance to go back
I landed & departed from Terminal 1. It's big, old, very busy. There are always constructions & rennovations. Frankly I didn't like Terminal 1. But internet is free of charge :))
It's big, it's modern and it's mindblowingly slow... Pasaport control takes decades just like check-in... Doesn't matter if it's midnight or afternoon, you will be stuck for hours.
Everyone says that here wi-fi is free, maxspot is a free wi-fi, unfortunately i never got it to work on my galaxy note 2 and had to use the wi-fi at the Heinekenlounge