My favorite places
Lovell's Records & Tapes is one of My favorite places.

1. Lovell's Records & Tapes

6719 Greenleaf Ave, Whittier, CA
Negozio di dischi · Uptown Whittier · 11 consigli e recensioni
UPS / United Parcel Service HUB is one of My favorite places.

2. UPS / United Parcel Service HUB

13233 Moore St (near Alondra & Carmenita), Cerritos, CA
Ufficio postale · 6 consigli e recensioni
Fry's Electronics is one of My favorite places.

3. Fry's Electronics

13401 Crossroads Pkwy N (60 Fwy), Industry, CA
Negozio di elettronica · 40 consigli e recensioni
Wallen L Andrews North Whittier Elementary School is one of My favorite places.

4. Wallen L Andrews North Whittier Elementary School

1010 Caraway Dr (Belgreen Dr.), Whittier, CA
Scuola elementare · 1 consiglio