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  • Foto scattata a Wendy's da ᴡ L. il 6/7/2017
  • Foto scattata a Wendy's da Michael F. il 2/8/2014
  • Foto scattata a Wendy's da Jared F. il 12/24/2011
  • Foto scattata a Wendy's da Matt B. il 9/22/2011


(Adesso chiuso)
Ristorante fast food e Locale per hamburger$$$$
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  • Daniela R.
    Daniela RodriguezNovembre 16, 2013
    The drive through was fast and the person at the window seemed genuinely courteous. A pleasant experience
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  • Rikki V.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Rikki Van SheltonSettembre 21, 2012
    I had no problem being understood or when ordering, GREAT experience here for me.
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  • Christopher S.
    Christopher SparksAgosto 25, 2013
    Now I remember why I haven't come here for two years. Slowest Wendy's ever, and they seem to not understand English well.
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  • Leon B.
    Leon BellsproutGennaio 3, 2012
    Not very friendly. Don't speak English. Horrible experience.
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