Railway bridge. Remnants of cast iron railway trackbridge, which was constructed sometime in 19th century as part of the transportation infrastructure by the British Colonial. Source: NParks
Ample pedestrian bridges along Ghim Moh area linking north & south banks. However no crossings along 3km stretch between Clementi Blk 101 & Boon Lay Way
At the Clementi-Ulu PandanRoads junction, 2 waterways merge. Sungei Ulu Pandan (right) is joined by the Bukit Timah First Diversion Canal (left). Water comes all the way from Bukit Timah Canal!
Length of the full park connector stretch is 7.1 km. While it is accessible 24 hours daily, lighting is only 7pm – 7am (although fellow 4SQ users reported otherwise). Source: NParks