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The Manhattan Fish Market

(Adesso chiuso)
Negozio di fish and chips, Ristorante di pesce, e Tavola Calda$$$$
Grogol Petamburan, Giacarta
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  • Nafia N.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Nafia NinditaGennaio 29, 2015
    Feeesh n cheeese nya recommended. Ikannya enak, ga cuma tepung doang. Suka bgt sm saus putihnya *lupa namanya*. Kalo yg gasuka keju jgn pesan ini deh, ntar eneg banyak saus kejunya di atas kentang :p
    Voto positivoVoto negativo
  • The Manhattan FISH MARKET I.
    Weekdays Promo: Buy Main Course & Get an Item for FREE! Mon: Fried Country Mushroom, Tue: Chicken of Liberty, Wed: Fish 'n Chips, Thu: Garden Salad, Fri: Manhattan Mud Pie. Follow @MFMIndonesia! Leggi tutto
    Voto positivoVoto negativo
  • The Manhattan FISH MARKET I.
    Weekdays Promo: Buy Main Course & Get an Item for FREE! Mon: Fried Country Mushroom, Tue: Chicken of Liberty, Wed: Fish 'n Chips, Thu: Garden Salad, Fri: Manhattan Mud Pie. Follow @MFMIndonesia! Leggi tutto
    Voto positivoVoto negativo
  • Gwenny G.
    Gwenny GunawanMaggio 11, 2014
    Have seafood platter 229k,not that good,not that bad either.Mussel herbs 32k is disaster, not fresh.Tips: ask garlic chop to eat along with fishNchips,together with a lil bit tar2 n chilli sauce.
    Voto positivoVoto negativo
  • Felix S.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Felix SulaimanGennaio 25, 2013
    Nasi, udang, ikan enakkk pas di lidah. Kerang dan cuminya kebnykan ...
    Voto positivoVoto negativo
  • Zahrotul F.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Zahrotul FirdausyFebbraio 2, 2013
    It's not a worthy place to eat, but if you think that money is not a problem, go ahead. Take a seat near the cashier, so you can call the waitress everytime easily.
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  • Intan M.
    Intan MutiGennaio 1, 2013
    sweet alabama shake-nya enak.. fish n chipnya..lumayan
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  • Syifa D.
    try the large flame.. The shrimp is very delicious so does the fish and chips !! :D
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  • caroline a.
    caroline artayudiantoLuglio 11, 2013
    Pada blg pelayanannya jelek yaa.. tp menurut gw bagus..pelayannya ramah , makanannya cepet bgt datengnya ... tempatnya cozy bgt.. dekornya baguuss..
    Voto positivoVoto negativo
  • Divine W.
    Divine WijayaGiugno 1, 2012
    Dari menu2 yg udah gua coba, gua cuma suka fish n chipsnya walau agak oily. Menu2 yg baked bener2 ga enak, mud pienya frozen jd keraaaas, tiramisunya biasa bgt deh.
    Voto positivoVoto negativo
  • Mutia M.
    Mutia Malinda AmoeryoeAgosto 16, 2013
    you should try the grilled dori with rice
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  • Anthonny A.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Anthonny AchGiugno 27, 2018
    There's always promo.. so eat in here not too expensive
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  • Felice P.
    Felice PrayudaAgosto 12, 2014
    Fish and chips (y)
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  • Lex d.
    Lex dePraxisGennaio 6, 2013
    makan di sini, self-service aja ambil item, makanan, dsb.. krn semua waitress nya dibayar utk mondar-mandir doang. ;)
    Voto positivo2Voto negativo
  • Rendy Y.
    Rendy YahyaOttobre 14, 2011
    Ada buy 1 get 1 free makanan pake danamon debit or cc. God luk mencoba!!!
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  • Rosyid R.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Rosyid RidloLuglio 28, 2018
    Ikan dorynya enak
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  • Nurdin S.
    Nurdin Saleh TjendraDicembre 24, 2011
    È stato qui più di 5 volte
    Seafood terenak yg pernah gw makan. Harga terjangkau n bikin perut kenyang
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  • Jennifer M.
    Jennifer MuliadiDicembre 16, 2012
    The food is okay, the fish and chips and the garlic herb rice are pretty delicious. However the service needs to be better.
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  • eva
    evaAprile 14, 2012
    Minumannya recommended bgt tp makanannya ini kebanyakan saos tomat :P
    Voto positivo1Voto negativo
  • Stephanie V.
    Stephanie VieMarzo 14, 2012
    Still Love Fish n Co but anyway masih bisa di makan lumayan lah
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  • Martono Z.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Martono ZhengMaggio 11, 2014
    Wifi password: fishnchips
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  • chandra t.
    chandra thamrinGiugno 26, 2012
    Try the mixed seafood platter
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  • Lina Rasena
    Lina RasenaLuglio 2, 2011
    Suka banget King Salmon-nya, big portion!
    Voto positivoVoto negativo
  • Felix U.
    Felix UtamaDicembre 29, 2012
    not bad, but for all it's worth, just go to fish&co instead. heads-up : marinara = tomato sauce
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  • Ita L.
    Ita LaksmiGiugno 24, 2012
    Nice place.. Nice food!!!
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  • Wilma S.
    Wilma Sari DewiSettembre 1, 2013
    ice lemon tea for many times!
    Voto positivo1Voto negativo
  • Laura P.
    Laura Pinta UliGennaio 24, 2012
    Voto positivoVoto negativo
  • Anggry L.
    Anggry LediyanMarzo 12, 2013
    Iya...aq juga pernah makan..kalo makanan enak sih ya bayar segitu ga jadi masalah tapi ini pelayanan ga bagus dan harus bayar makanan yg ga enak seharga itu jadi ngerasa mahal...
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  • Ajeng A.
    Ajeng AgasiGiugno 30, 2012
    Hot tea-nya manisss bgt! Udah minta extra water juga tetep manis. Parah! 
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  • Leily C.
    Leily CheryoFebbraio 14, 2013
    Karyawan yg kerjaa dikitt yg mkn banyak + ramee yg ngantrii.. Servicenya jd luamaaa 
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  • Jessica T.
    Jessica TheresiaMarzo 10, 2013
    No maners waiters cuma mondar mandir + ada tikusnya
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  • Amanda Y.
    Amanda YaparMaggio 11, 2012
    Fine decorated, haven't try their food.
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  • LS
    LSOttobre 14, 2013
    Not as yummy as the fish and chips should be. And slow serving :(
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  • Michael G.
    Michael GibbonsDicembre 4, 2011
    The fish & chips batter is too oily & heavy. Salmon was good
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  • Anantama P.
    Anantama PutraDicembre 31, 2013
    More affordable than another fish
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    WILLIAM FXLuglio 13, 2013
    Not Bad.. rasanya lumayan cuma pelayannya agak lama --'
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  • Shander V.
    Shander VariantoGiugno 28, 2014
    Well, I prefer Fish & Co.
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  • Ajeng A.
    Ajeng AgasiGiugno 30, 2012
    Harga sama porsi ga seimbang.
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  • Andy H.
    Andy HastenMarzo 22, 2014
    Enakkkkk hahaha
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  • Lily A.
    Lily AugustineSettembre 4, 2011
    Mau pesen ini itu serba habis, jd jualan apa donk
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  • Cynthia P.
    Cynthia PratiwiOttobre 23, 2012
    Actually makanannya sih enak,tapi servicenya ga friendly seperti kompetitornya ya :(
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  • Zein Aswin E.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Zein Aswin EffendySettembre 7, 2014
    The taste is so so laah ... totally different between at menu and on the plate ..and service not good at all ...
    Voto positivo1Voto negativo
  • Willie P.
    Willie PrimadiGiugno 6, 2013
    Pesan penne salmon, di menu salmon bertebaran tapi pas datang salmon dikit banget
    Voto positivoVoto negativo
  • Laurencia H.
    Laurencia HutomoAprile 22, 2012
    Resto yg paling parah!! Cuminya ga mateng, pasta rasa saos tomat, lobster tll kering..servicenya apalagi, bikin naik darah aja.. Dibayarin juga ogah makan disini lg!!
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  • Abah A.
    Abah AsepMarzo 3, 2012
    Voto positivoVoto negativo
  • Diana S.
    Diana SusianyOttobre 18, 2012
    Pelayanan yg lambat, customer banyak tp waiters nya sedikit. Cape manggilin mereka gak datang2
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  • TJ D.
    TJ DharmawanAgosto 14, 2013
    Bilang ke waiternya jangan mau dikasih balsamic sauce buat salad...gak enak banget kaya makanan basi !
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  • stanley j.
    stanley joewonoLuglio 5, 2012
    not as good as the GI counter. GI counter way much better!
    Voto positivoVoto negativo
  • Albert Steven Y.
    Albert Steven YenniorGennaio 13, 2012
    Pelayanannya kurang bagus, makanannya biasa banget, harganya ga worh it, jauh lebih baik makan di fish & co kemana2 deh drpd disini
    Voto positivoVoto negativo
  • Maria L.
    Maria LieMarzo 3, 2011
    Fish n chipnya yahuddd!!
    Voto positivoVoto negativo
Foto295 Foto

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