I had an unforgettable trip in mount rinjani On November 2017 I booked the trip at lunexpeditions.com . Mount Rinjani is most impressive mountain and massively blue lakeSegara Anak.
Kalau mau naik ke gunungrinjani lebih baik pilih jalur Sembalun karena pemandangannya indaaaah banget... Bukit-bukit terhampar indah, hijau dan menyegarkan mata.. Tetap semangat sampai puncak yaa ^_^
Did the crater rim trek and would highly recommend that for a basic hike. Had the best time there even though there was a thunderstorm throughout the night.
Amazing place, naik via Senaru untuk dapat pemandangan seluruh danauRinjani. Naik via Sembalun kalau mau ke puncaknya. Jalan via Senaru lama kurang lebih 8 jam. Sembalun 7 jam
On the top of the volcano is a caldera, which is filled partially by the craterlake known as Segara Anak (Child of the Sea). This lake is estimated at being around 200 metres deep.