Movies in English, very comfy reclining seats with stools for the legs (and also love seats), delicious popcorn and Fritz Coke instead of Coca-Cola... hard to beat this awesome movie theater! Love it!
Best cinema in town, no doubt. Movies are shown in their original language, seats are cosy and look classy, yet they are very modern, and the atmosphere is a little like a 30’s Broadway theatre.
Eines der besten Kinos in Deutschland, das beste in Hamburg. Großer Saal, die luxuriösesten Sitze, die ich kenne (teilweise Reihen mit Fußhocker etc). Preislich tw. sogar besser als cinemaxx/uci. :-)
Most comfortable cinema I've ever been to. Comfy seats and so. much. space! Definitely the place to go if you want to watch films in the original language. Unfortunately shows 3D, too.
Favorite theater in Hamburg. Mostly undubbed movies in English. Great interior with comfortable seats and enough space. Movie fans should check out their film club where they show modern classics.
Highly recommend this movie theater. Newly renovated, great theater room, great seats, great staff and great movie selection in original versions. Shame it is in a dodgy part of Hamburg.
Riesengroße Leinwand, kristallklarer Sound, ultragemütliche Kinosessel. Und dazu ein Publikum, das mit Wertschätzung und Leidenschaft ins Kino geht. Stets freundliches Personal. Ganz großes Kino.
The Savoy owns an Ultra Panavision 70 mm projector to show films available in that extreme widescreen format (i.e. The Hateful Eight)—these special screenings are announced on their website.
تقريبا واحدة من سينماتين في هامبورج بيعرضوا أفلام بالانجليزية. ليك تخفيض يورو كطالب. بس القاعة و الكراسي نفسها وهم 😃 واحدة من أجمل السينمات اللي دخلتها في حياتي إن مكانتش أجملهم على الإطلاق.
Das neue Savoy ist der Gold-Standard unter den Kinos. Bestes Bild, bester Ton und super Sitze. In der mittleren Reihe fahren Fußstützen aus, wenn man sich zurücklehnt.
Cinema done right! The movie theater experience is getting ever-more mundane. Not so in this little venue! Have a drink @ the bar before the movie, fantastic seats... Will be here weekly!