The mee goreng mamak (RM5.30 for a big plate) is da bomb and the best one I tasted so far around PJ. My friend who had curry mee said it's better than the one she had at Jamal Mohamed. Will come again
Chapati (RM1.50) isn't bad but if you're not a fan of kacang kuda, you'll hate the dhal. Opt for the vegemasala instead (RM1.20). The mee goreng mamak fried by dad is so-so, so get his son to fry it.
Avoid the (kon lo) wantan mee at all cost as it's the worst I've ever had taste and presentation-wise. Fried kuey teow is better than Aunty Gemuk's but SS3's Lau Wan still have a bit of an upper-hand.
Had the rojak (RM5.30 for big) from the mee goreng mamak stall and it wasn't that bad; between average & good. The gravy is diluted and peanut fans will be disappointed. S17's is still the one to beat
Those who says wantanmee is good obviously never tasted better. I'll give it 5/10 at best. At MYR8.50 for large is the most expensive in PJ at this moment.
For those who think that this place is not halal or hesitate to eat here, Muslims, it is halal food. Even the owner is Chinese, the one who manage this place is their best employee and she's Malay.