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Lake Michigan

Icona Consigli e recensioni81 Consigli e recensioni
  • scenic views
  • lakefront
  • documerica
  • lakes
  • fishing
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  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
    Photographers! Check out these vintage Documeria photo taken in Chicago. Take a photo of the city or the lake today and share it with our State of the Environment Photo Project. Leggi tutto
    Voto positivo17Voto negativo
  • Colin C.
    Colin CLuglio 6, 2010
    After a long day of boating, my favorite place to relax is on the patio at Cedar Hotel, 1112 N. State Street. Delicious food, Thirst quenching specialty drinks & the best people watching in Chicago! Leggi tutto
    Voto positivo12Voto negativo
  • John H.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    John HankusGennaio 4, 2016
    One of the best coasts in America. Try a swim at the beach in the summer or the polar plunge in winter. Get up early and try to catch a sunrise, it's stunning.
    Voto positivo8Voto negativo
  • Abdulrahman A.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Breathtaking place! Enjoy sitting at those chairs & watch the lake. Great walkways & bicycle paths. Good views of downtown.
    Voto positivo1Voto negativo
  • Fodor's Travel
    Fodor's TravelAgosto 21, 2015
    Over two million spectators line Lake Michigan every year to see this free, two-day spectacular in August. The Chicago Air & Water Show is the largest and oldest free air and water show in the U.S.
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  • Aarón L.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Aarón López PeralesMaggio 3, 2018
    Sabías que en su parte más profunda, el lgo tiene 281 mts de profundidad? Lo usan para limpiar la ciudad y hasta para tomar agua!
    Voto positivo1Voto negativo
  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
    Photo challenge! Check out this Documerica photo of Lake Michigan from 1973. Take a photo of the lake today and submit it to our State of the Environment Photo Project. Leggi tutto
    Voto positivo2Voto negativo
  • Maria P.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Maria PflugradtGiugno 16, 2017
    I love how it isn't dirty in some areas of the lake, depending on where you go. There it is nice to swim in. 😊
    Voto positivo1Voto negativo
  • Vasek S.
    Vasek S.Giugno 25, 2016
    Wow, let´s take a rest, swim, take a sun, lie down on the blanket and enjoy the great view to high buildings
    Voto positivo1Voto negativo
  • Connie L.
    Connie LitrentaGiugno 23, 2013
    È stato qui più di 5 volte
    An early morning walk on the beach beneath the Racine Zoo is great. Quiet, peaceful and just a few people. Makes for a great walk with my hound.
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  • Vicky M.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Vicky Medina-RiveraSettembre 3, 2019
    It was so beautiful, would have never thought such beauty could be right outside such a big city.
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  • Jim B.
    Jim BeckerMaggio 3, 2011
    One of the best places to run in the city. Of course, its a might chilly this time of the year but, it nice seeing so many out there working it now before everyone arives with the summer weather.. It'
    Voto positivo1Voto negativo
  • Matt W.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Matt WAgosto 4, 2024
    Lake Michigan has the best wet water you can find south of Superior.
    Voto positivo1Voto negativo
  • Jorge G.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Jorge GuerreroOttobre 16, 2015
    Bellas vistas del lago en otoño! Sin duda alguna un lugar en el que tienes que estar en tu vida!!
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  • Sunhwa H.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Sunhwa HahnAgosto 3, 2015
    미취학 아이가 있으면 밀레니엄 파크에 있는 어린이 놀이터에 꼭 가보세요. 가히 아이들의 천국인 듯!
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  • Kevin D.
    Kevin DulinAgosto 23, 2014
    È stato qui più di 10 volte
    This is a big Lake.
    Voto positivo2Voto negativo
  • Marcos I.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Marcos ItoNovembre 12, 2018
    Imenso! A estrutura do píer é ótima!
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  • Maria P.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Maria PflugradtMaggio 29, 2017
    I grew up sort-of nearby the lake and it is nice to fish in or to go swimming.
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  • Karla J.
    Karla JeltemaAgosto 16, 2014
    Capt. Hook fishing charter
    Voto positivo2Voto negativo
  • Taylor S.
    Taylor SmithNovembre 17, 2013
    Lake Michigan is one of a kind and is my favorite place to run by, especially in Milwaukee!
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  • naveen
    naveenSettembre 18, 2011
    when in town, try to stay at a hotel with views of the lake instead of back at the city – so serene. (and take a walk along it sometime!)
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  • Chelsi B.
    Chelsi BOttobre 28, 2012
    Silly people, the lake is just fine from here, but it IS called lake MIchigan. I like it better in Michigan, but I am from there.
    Voto positivo1Voto negativo
  • 🈴Naumova Zehra 🈲
    🈴Naumova Zehra 🈲Giugno 21, 2013
    In summer look great, in winter must be hell. The lakefront trail is the best place to take a close look.
    Voto positivo4Voto negativo
  • Yvonne H.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Yvonne HortilloAgosto 19, 2013
    The farther north you go, the cleaner the beach and water. ;-)
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  • Jen K.
    Jen KnoedlGiugno 4, 2012
    #1 thing to do and see in Chicago!
    Voto positivo3Voto negativo
  • Kieb O.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Kieb OrtmOttobre 19, 2019
    wonderful views of the city
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  • Matt R.
    Matt RestivoAgosto 11, 2013
    bring your wetsuit and swim in the water. it's choppy as hell but it's great practice for open water.
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  • Shawn C.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Shawn CalhounGiugno 26, 2017
    Evening summer walks are the best!!
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  • Shannon J.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Shannon JeropkeLuglio 22, 2024
    Clean drinking water, great weather, it’s awesome!
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  • Stephen M.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Stephen McClinton JrAgosto 1, 2015
    Take the Milwaukee Boat Line for the Two Hour Tour. Take good Pics!
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  • Yvonne H.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Yvonne HortilloAgosto 19, 2013
    Cleaner beach & water the farther north you go. ;-)
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  • Natalie V.
    Natalie VowellLuglio 11, 2013
    This is a body of water. Water is good for your body, or so I hear. But I prefer beer.
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  • Cory
    CoryLuglio 16, 2013
    Great paths to walk on lovely view of the lake nice cool breeze blowing in too
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  • Cheryl M.
    Cheryl MO$$Luglio 19, 2013
    #Brrrrrr #Freezing #Nature #Dragonflies #Dandelions #Waves #Peaceful #GODisGood
    Voto positivo1Voto negativo
  • US National Archives
    US National ArchivesAprile 12, 2011
    Enjoy a nice boat ride on Lake Michigan, like the people in this vintage 1970s photo from our Documerica collection. Leggi tutto
    Voto positivo6Voto negativo
  • Beba l.
    Beba la loquillaMaggio 5, 2012
    È stato qui più di 5 volte
    Beautiful place
    Voto positivo2Voto negativo
  • Niki S.
    Niki SchreiGiugno 20, 2012
    Bring your bikes, then ride them on the bike trail...lots of fun!!!!!!
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  • Marianne V.
    Marianne VanSteeLuglio 13, 2013
    Beautiful blue sky day with perfect temperature. A glorious day!!!
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  • Mykl N.
    Mykl NovakAgosto 3, 2011
    "Walk to the lake (Lake Michigan is so cool)" - from the top 100 things to do before graduating from Marquette University
    Voto positivo6Voto negativo
  • Jackee F.
    Jackee F.Agosto 25, 2010
    i'd rather be sailing. yes, i would. on an open sea. the sun is on my neck, the wind is in my face. the water's incredibly blue. and i'd rather be sailing. yes, i wanna go sail. and then come h Leggi tutto
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  • Jennifer E.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Jennifer EmersonOttobre 20, 2015
    you have to go to the beach & outlet mall!
    Voto positivoVoto negativo
  • Mykl N.
    Mykl NovakAgosto 3, 2011
    "Walk to the lakefront after midnight" - from the top 100 things to do before graduating from Marquette University
    Voto positivo1Voto negativo
  • P Chuy O.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    P Chuy OrtegaNovembre 10, 2015
    Yo me pregunto: ¿Cómo No se puede enamorar uno de este lago?
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  • Phillip O.
    Phillip OverleyAgosto 24, 2011
    Take the kids have a little beach FUN.. Great for the whole family=)))
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  • cami j.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    cami j.Luglio 13, 2015
    so gorgeous.
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  • I.S.
    I.S.Aprile 13, 2011
    By far my favorite place to reminisce... Cannot wait to go back this summer.
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  • Pauly C.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Pauly CapponeLuglio 13, 2013
    Man fun as we still out here now in indiana ...nothing like it just relaxing
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  • Michael B.
    Michael B.Agosto 13, 2012
    This is a nice place 2 go 2 & see lake michigan.
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  • Jake S.
    Jake SmithNovembre 28, 2012
    Lake Michigan is slightly smaller than the state of West Virginia.
    Voto positivo3Voto negativo
  • Jessica T.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Jessica TrovatoFebbraio 15, 2014
    So pretty I have wonderful pictures of the sunrises here.
    Voto positivoVoto negativo
Foto1.955 Foto

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