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La Pulpería

(Adesso chiuso)
Ristorante argentino€€€€
Roquette, Parigi
Icona Consigli e recensioni18 Consigli e recensioni
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  • Renaud #.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Renaud #Dicembre 24, 2016
    Location is a bit out-of-way. However, the food, friendly service & wine list make it up for it. Octopus, "bife de lomo" 🍴with chimichurri or peppercorn sauce, mango & passion fruit millefeuille 👍🏻
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  • Eric V.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Eric VietOttobre 13, 2013
    Fantastic dinner. The food was very good with a lot of subtile nuances and flavours. The chief is very friendly and we had an extensive wine tasting of great small unknown wines.
    Voto positivo2Voto negativo
  • Marie
    MarieOttobre 31, 2012
    Ceviche de bonite, encornets ou foie gras en entrée ; des viandes, de bœuf ou pluma iberico, excellentes ; des desserts pas mal ; des vins nature de qualité (Henri Milan, Antoine Arena). J'adore!
    Voto positivo3Voto negativo
  • Galina Z.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Galina Z.Luglio 16, 2016
    Всегда звоните и заказывайте столик! Мест никогда нет))) и не будет, они лучшие. Шеф-повар уходит в 10 вечера. Ресторан очень маленький, но потрясающий.
    Voto positivo1Voto negativo
  • Galina Z.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Galina Z.Luglio 16, 2016
    Я не пробовала ничего вкуснее: стейк просто шедевр! А я регулярно бываю в хороших ресторанах по всей Европе)
    Voto positivo1Voto negativo
  • Sigbjørn D.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Sigbjørn DGennaio 30, 2016
    Of course you go here for the meat. The tender type. And for red wine too. Remember to reserve in advance, as it was crowded when I went.
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  • Paris Aéroport
    Paris AéroportNovembre 10, 2011
    Empanadas, rib steak sprinkled with chimichurri, charcoal-grilled foie gras with cream of sweet corn and cod ceviche. Argentinian chef Fernando di Tomaso’s enthusiasm really is clear to see !
    Voto positivo1Voto negativo
  • Tugce E.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Tugce EsenerGiugno 24, 2016
    Beef lomo and octopus was excelent! Very friendly and helpful service.
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  • Pedro R.
    Pedro RNovembre 19, 2013
    Great Argentinian steak and friendly staff! Great the Churrasco for the real experience.
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  • Monsieur L.
    Monsieur LungMarzo 20, 2013
    Bonne adresse généreuse (attention aux odeurs de graillon). Article complet sur
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  • Héloïseicona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    HéloïseGiugno 15, 2014
    Bife de Lomo, Foie gras à la braise! Wine starts at 45, but great selection.
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  • Coumyicona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    CoumyFebbraio 14, 2016
    Le Lomo un vrai délice. Service attentionné et discret.
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  • YasPasicona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    YasPasNovembre 13, 2013
    Everything was amazing. If there are scallops, get them.
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  • Galina Z.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Galina Z.Luglio 16, 2016
    Еще одна вкусняшка на десерт :)
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  • Kate
    KateLuglio 4, 2013
    Strong emphasis on meat, as the Argentines will do.
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  • Benjaminicona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    BenjaminMarzo 16, 2015
    Super restaurant argentin
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  • Patrick S.
    Patrick SzmidtGiugno 29, 2013
    5€ la bouteille d'eau du robinet...vraiment?
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  • Isabel B.
    Isabel BaylorMaggio 20, 2015
    NY times recommendation
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