HOLY SHIT is this place good. Don't be intimidated by the weird menu. Pick goat, fish or chicken (get the stew) and pair it with Ghanaian rice, plantains or okra. Ask them 4 extra spices (on the side)
One of the few places outside of africa that you'll ever find Castle Milk Stout. It's a dark beer like Guinness but without any bitterness. Plus, it comes in a big bottle. Can't beat it.
First time? Try curry chicken w/jollof rice. Like Indian tikka masala, not spicy. Chile paste on side for heat. Chicken: skin/bone on (Yum!). Side: Spanish-like rice, steamed cabbage & fried plantain.
When ordering Ghanian beer, go with Star over Club. Star is delicious with a tang, Club is watery and bland. Order up some appetizers and relax, enjoy. Don't expect your food in a hurry.