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FlyAway Bus

Linea dell'autobus
West Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Icona Consigli e recensioni25 Consigli e recensioni
  • comfortable
  • bus
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  • Amol K.
    Amol KFebbraio 10, 2014
    You can buy your ticket online (and most buses have free wifi) and show your email confirmation to the driver when you reach Union Station. Saves having to wait in line there to pay.
    Voto positivo11Voto negativo
  • Glen F.
    Glen FergusonAgosto 8, 2012
    If you'll be using the FlyAway to return to LAX, ask for a round trip ticket when you get to Union Station. They're not dated and you won't have to wait in line if you're in a rush to catch a flight.
    Voto positivo10Voto negativo
    Votato positivo 1 settimana fa
  • Ryan M.
    Ryan MannionFebbraio 14, 2012
    If you're going this route, you pay once you arrive at Union Station. CC only!
    Voto positivo10Voto negativo
  • Chris “RockNRollGeek” D.
    Like this tip if you feel like it's a stickup every time they stop and get their $10 from everyone before leaving LAX.
    Voto positivo1Voto negativo
  • Not I
    Not INovembre 2, 2019
    È stato qui più di 10 volte
    The new location (busses closer to the terminal, cars closer to the road) finally happened. So much easier for drivers and pedestrians to navigate
    Voto positivoVoto negativo
  • Heather H.
    Heather HaleLuglio 16, 2013
    Me thinks the Wi FI is an urban myth. :-/ Or at least I couldn't catch a signal.
    Voto positivo2Voto negativo
  • Karl H.
    Karl HobartSettembre 4, 2011
    Surprisingly comfortable and efficient! For $7, it sure beats driving after a long flight.
    Voto positivo2Voto negativo
  • Matt B.
    Matt BorstGennaio 31, 2011
    On the upside, there is free WiFi and it is only $5; on the downside, it is so bumpy you might not make it home in one piece. Take your chances!
    Voto positivoVoto negativo
  • Rachael R.
    Rachael RendonFebbraio 24, 2013
    Easy and convenient travel to and from LAX.
    Voto positivo1Voto negativo
  • Joana S.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Joana SouzaAprile 30, 2014
    onibus que te leva do LAX p/ Van Nuys com ar condicionado, wifi e tomadas individuais.
    Voto positivoVoto negativo
  • K Lexa C.
    K Lexa Chan 嘉恩Novembre 19, 2013
    È stato qui più di 100 volte
    Credit/Debit at the kiosk at Union Station or online. Cash using Metrolink pay stations downstairs.
    Voto positivoVoto negativo
  • Kai U.
    Kai U.Marzo 8, 2013
    Easiest way to get to Union Station. About 7$
    Voto positivo1Voto negativo
  • Michael B.
    Michael BielecMarzo 11, 2010
    Picks up at all LAX terminals for non-stop bus service to & from Union Station; leaves every ~30-45 minutes, the trip takes ~30-45 minutes, and tickets are only $7 each way -- very convenient! Leggi tutto
    Voto positivoVoto negativo
  • Karla
    KarlaNovembre 21, 2012
    Plan on 10-20 minutes to pay for your ride, once you get to Union Station.
    Voto positivoVoto negativo
  • Tara Tiger B.
    Tara Tiger BrownAprile 21, 2013
    Terminal 7 is the last stop, so if you are flying United it's a straight trip to Union.
    Voto positivoVoto negativo
  • Dalton C.
    Dalton CrosthwaitDicembre 25, 2011
    No need to pay at LAX. You just pay when you arrive at your destination. Brilliant!
    Voto positivo2Voto negativo
  • J. Darren L.
    J. Darren ListerOttobre 14, 2011
    It should take about 45 mins without traffic from LAX to Van Nuys
    Voto positivo1Voto negativo
  • Kerwin M.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Kerwin McKenzieFebbraio 22, 2013
    Convenient, if it arrives ontime.
    Voto positivoVoto negativo
  • Pommy J.
    Pommy JaSettembre 20, 2010
    If you are wait at Terminal 5-7, please walk across to Terminal 2, due to the bus is overload with millions passengers.
    Voto positivo4Voto negativo
  • TahRaySa X.
    TahRaySa XSettembre 11, 2012
    Lax to union station didn't take long but leaving lax took about 25mins bc we had to stop at all Flyaway stops
    Voto positivoVoto negativo
  • Kai U.
    Kai U.Marzo 10, 2013
    No cash, just credit cards.
    Voto positivoVoto negativo
  • Shotgun S.
    Shotgun SpratlingDicembre 30, 2014
    Absolutely terrible. Didn't show up for 90 minutes and then driver was rude to riders.
    Voto positivoVoto negativo
  • a A.
    a AAprile 13, 2010
    This bus always has plenty of seats
    Voto positivo1Voto negativo
  • J. Darren L.
    J. Darren ListerOttobre 14, 2011
    No cash payments for the Flyaway
    Voto positivo1Voto negativo
  • a A.
    a AAprile 13, 2010
    Take metro link from Union Statio
    Voto positivoVoto negativo
Foto76 Foto

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