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Espresso House

Bar Caffè e Coffee-shop$$$$
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  • Maria H.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Maria HägglöfSettembre 13, 2014
    È stato qui più di 5 volte
    Cozier than the Espresso house outside the mall. But they don't treat their staff well. The deep purple armchairs are super low, watch out before you sit down ;)
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  • Arturo E.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Arturo EscuderoAgosto 12, 2016
    È stato qui più di 5 volte
    They usually run out of breakfast sandwiches ... even if you go early ... so disappointing when that happens (which is often)
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  • Tea T.
    Tea TrpovskaSettembre 14, 2014
    Chai latte is something you have to try!
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  • Magdalena J.
    Magdalena J. IvanovaMaggio 23, 2013
    Must try the Frapino espresso :)
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  • George W.
    George WinchesterSettembre 19, 2014
    Very nice view of the espresso house:)
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  • Itoro E.
    Itoro EkpoOttobre 18, 2015
    Lovely place. Unfortunately no friends to talk to :(
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  • Carmina P.
    Carmina PecsonDicembre 27, 2012
    È stato qui più di 5 volte
    Manhattan Brownie is the bomb!!
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  • Vishnupriya B.
    Vishnupriya BhandaramMaggio 16, 2014
    Frappe and a caramel wafer! Mmmm!
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  • L A.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    L AGiugno 16, 2013
    Mysig frukost och bra musik! <3 / Cosy breakfast and good music! <3. http://lanjas.com/2013/june/frukost-pa-espresso-house.html Leggi tutto
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  • Daniel S.
    Daniel StintzingAprile 22, 2013
    Det finns kontakter under de väggfasta sofforna som är svarta och svåra att se bra om du behöver ladda mobilen datorn!
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  • Danilo M.
    Trevlig personal i mysig lokal
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  • Jasmina Mina L.
    Jasmina Mina LilicGennaio 10, 2014
    Fenomenalna kafa sa ukusom karamele i vanile
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