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Church's Chicken

Church's Chicken

Locale con specialità pollo fritto, Ristorante fast food, e Ristorante con cucina degli Stati Uniti del Sud$$$$
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  • Sean
    SeanOttobre 7, 2010
    leg and thigh spicy or not spicy for 99cents on tuesdays! and they got a dollar menu too?!
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  • Amber R.
    Amber RichardsonSettembre 7, 2012
    Every time I come here, they mess up the order and forget something. This is the third and last time!!!
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  • J .
    J 😎Luglio 7, 2011
    Worst Churchs ever... I think i took 25 mins in line.. If it wasnt for my mom.. I would of gone to whataburger instead..
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