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(Adesso chiuso)
Ristorante scandinavo e Ristorante di pesce$$$$
Williamsburg, Brooklyn
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    Gli esperti di Michelin Travel & Lifestyle e Time Out New York hanno consigliato questo posto
    • Michelin Travel & Lifestyle
    • Time Out New York
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  • 7th.List
    7th.ListDicembre 1, 2012
    Nordic-influences and a six-course, daily changing tasting menu for $65. "Curated beverage" (Old World-centric wines, traditionally brewed beers, earthy ciders, classic spirits) list Leggi tutto
    Voto positivo7Voto negativo
  • Frederic B.
    Frederic BonnOttobre 31, 2013
    Incredible tasting menu and an axing culinary experience. Probably one of the best meals I had in a long time. The dining room is a bit bland but the Menu is worth a trip
    Voto positivo1Voto negativo
  • Tal A.
    Tal AtlasAprile 19, 2013
    You can get paired drinks with each course of the tasting menu for an additional $40. It was a little heavy on white wine and the cocktail featured onion oil and was undrinkable. Overall was worth it.
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  • Time Out New York
    Time Out New YorkAprile 11, 2013
    The New Nordic Wonder award winner's tasting menu turned the forest’s prickly underbelly—all hairy roots, funky fungi & fallen leaves—into some of the most stunning plates of 2013. Leggi tutto
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  • Dina
    DinaAprile 24, 2014
    Terrific food available either as a pre fixe - $76 to 125 depending on days or there is a bar menu which is fantastic and very moderately priced. Clean, complex flavors, a treat.
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  • Wilson Z.
    Wilson ZhouAprile 28, 2014
    Berselius enjoys juxtaposing subtle flavors with rich ones: pig’s trotter shelters under translucent shavings of sunchoke; monkfish and its liver are buried beneath cabbage leaves of various colors.
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  • Josephine S.
    Josephine SonAprile 18, 2013
    Be prepared for a real sensory experience! Be a little adventurous and just go along with the ride, you will have a great time ! $65 tasting menu is a great deal.
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  • Ben B.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Ben BearnotMaggio 16, 2013
    Great beer and wine selection. Seasonal menu is creative delicious and addictive. I will miss this place when I leave NYC
    Voto positivo1Voto negativo
  • Compass
    CompassLuglio 24, 2013
    A leading force in the New Nordic food trend, Aska offers an adventurous tasting menu in its seven-table restaurant, complete with a pig’s blood cracker and other delightfully inventive combinations.
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  • Michelin Travel & Lifestyle
    Go for Scandinavian-inflected dishes like oysters in cucumber juice, fried squid with shaved cauliflower, or cold smoked pike. – Green Guide Editor
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  • Jordan O.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Jordan OrelliDicembre 7, 2012
    The waiter said "this next course is pretty funky, and we have a funky drink to go with it of you want to try it". Just say yes. For the love of god say yes.
    Voto positivo4Voto negativo
  • Annie
    AnnieDicembre 24, 2012
    I'm dying to try the natural energy cocktail with a mixture of ginseng, ginkgo biloba, grapefruit zest, sparkling cider... Oh, and booze.
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  • Michael C.
    Michael CiccaroneDicembre 29, 2013
    Amazingly the squab head was my favorite thing. Don't be squeamish if you get the prix fixe! It's dope.
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  • jessica m. h.
    Best Bar Food: think fanciful Scandinavian-style hot dogs wrapped in tacolike rotis w. relish & frizzled onions... :0
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  • Trevor
    TrevorLuglio 14, 2013
    Erratic service and tiny portions make it hard to recommend the tasting menu. They also have a super-annoying reservation system.
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  • Kevin L.
    Kevin LiMaggio 3, 2013
    Incredible. Very original and delicious. Book in advance!
    Voto positivo2Voto negativo
  • Mike B.
    Mike BodgeGennaio 24, 2014
    Amazing inventive nordic cuisine served up in Kinfolk Lounge.
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  • Flávia M.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Flávia M.Giugno 30, 2013
    One of the best dinners I've ever had! In love!
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  • Sarah S.
    Sarah SpearFebbraio 20, 2013
    The silly rabbit and dumplings were delicious!
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  • Jenny L.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Jenny L.Marzo 29, 2013
    Everything was delicious.
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  • Marcus M.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Marcus MrakMaggio 14, 2013
    Simply the BEST food experience yet!
    Voto positivo2Voto negativo
  • 🌟Alessia🌟
    🌟Alessia🌟Gennaio 16, 2013
    Overrated. Mini-portions. PORK overload :-/mediocre cuts of the pork and fish. fatty & fishy. Plus, be prepared to leave reeking of food. You'll have to wash your hair and clothes ASAP. Go elsewhere
    Voto positivo1Voto negativo
  • molly c.
    molly c.Aprile 21, 2013
    manages to give the crowded bar experience while being completely empty.
    Voto positivoVoto negativo
  • Vijay M.
    Vijay MathewsOttobre 20, 2013
    Prepare to be disappointed 10 times over.
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  • Pam B.
    Pam B.Marzo 11, 2013
    Best bar food
    Voto positivo1Voto negativo
  • Urban Nomad
    Urban NomadDicembre 16, 2013
    One Michelin star
    Voto positivo1Voto negativo
  • Tim I.
    Tim IrelandNovembre 23, 2013
    Voto positivoVoto negativo
  • Claudia F.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Claudia FilthMarzo 29, 2013
    Voto positivo1Voto negativo
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