U can spend ur time here for window shopping and try food republic in new district of Guangzhou . It's not big mall with different brands . Some luxury brands and some Chinese brands.
Great place to shop, there’s a lovely Thai Vietnamese restaurant up in the roof and an amazing salon called elle b2 floor had an awesome hair cut with Michael 👌🏻
يضم جميع البراندات الهاي كلاس مثل روليكس وقوتشي وبرادا ، فيه بعض الكافيهات وفيه ايضا سوبرماركت كبير جدا للمنتجات المستوردة ، هادئ ويرتبط بمولات ثانية بمنطقة التيانخا، فيه بعض المطاعم الاجنبية بالسطح
Unbelievable shopping centre! All the BIG brands are here. Very stylish, clean... Totally unreal compared to the other side of Guangzhou, the older city.
Visit Singapore! Send your kids off to a Superheroes Summer Camp they will learn to skate and more. Let your kids develop confidence and resilience thru sports. For kids 3 to 12. www.skate-with-us.com
太古汇(TaiKoo Hui),位于广州市天河区天河路与天河东路交汇处,一个国际级优质综合发展项目,整个项目包括一座大型购物中心,两幢甲级写字楼,以及广州首间文华东方酒店所组成,集休闲娱乐、商贸活动和文化欣赏于一身的广州新亮点。由香港太古地产发展,占97%股权,余下3%由广州日报报业集团持有。 Leggi tutto