Created by Giada ® Updated On: Febbraio 13, 2013
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Stazione e comprensorio sciistico · 91 consigli e recensioni
Keystone Resort: There is free close-in parking at the Pika lot on the East side of the Mountain House Base Area. Come early because it fills up quick.
Keystone Resort: Hop in the gondola and enjoy a scenic ride to the top of Dercum Mountain. And, it's free after 3pm on Fridays in the summer for Friday Afternoon Club - drink & food specials and live music up top!
Keystone Resort: FREE MANICURE with purchase of a Sweet Feet pedicure at the Spa at Keystone Lodge. Available only this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday (November 8-10, 2012). Book today by calling 970.496.4118.
Stazione e comprensorio sciistico · 2 consigli e recensioni
Keystone Resort: Take a scenic gondola ride to the top of Dercum Mountain, at 11,640 feet. Play a game of bean bags, grab some BBQ and enjoy one of the best views in Colorado.
Keystone Resort: Make sure to ask about the long list of fabulous wines. But don't drink all of them together - that wouldn't be awesome. The food, however, is awesome!