すきやばし次郎 (Sukiyabashi Jiro)

Sukiyabashi Jiro

Ristorante sushi¥¥¥¥
銀座, Tokyo
Icona Consigli e recensioni38 Consigli e recensioni
  • buon servizio
  • buono per uscire con
  • vivace
  • tranquillo
  • accogliente
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  • Daewook Ban
    Daewook BanGiugno 18, 2013
    역시 예약이 관건이다. 최소 2-3개월 전에 예약을 해야한다. 예약시 다음과 같은 메세지를 받게 된다. 1. 절대 늦지 말고 제시간에 도착하세요. 2. 당일취소 혹은 노쇼의 경우 1인당 만5천엔 페널티 부과. 3. 3만엔 이상의 (점심의경우) 오마카세 메뉴만 가능. 4. No A la Catre. 5. 현금만 가능(신용카드 x) 6. 향수를 뿌리지 말것.
  • Daewook Ban
    Daewook BanGiugno 18, 2013
    긴자역안의 조그마한 이 스시야에 별을 3개밖에 줄수 없는 미슐랭 인스펙터들도 안타까웠으리라! 영화 'JIRO:Dreams of Sushi'를 감상 후 이집에 오길 추천. 표현할수 없는 감동의 맛을 느낄수 있다. 다만 손님의 먹는속도 배려해주지 않고 아주 빠르게 스시를 내기때문에 여성분들은 빨리 먹는게 좀 힘들지도ㅠ 오마카세 20피스 27분걸림. 점심 3만엔
  • Andy W.
    Andy WangAgosto 24, 2013
    Have your 5 star hotel concierge book your reservation. Don't eat lunch before your dinner. Bring cash. No AC in the restaurant so dress accordingly during the summer. Can take pics of food not people
  • CJ D.
    CJ DayritSettembre 3, 2013
    One of the best sushi i have ever eaten! Jiro-san is almost 90 better try this! Once in a lifetime experience. Be prepared for your dialogue in japanese as well. Bring around Y30,000+ for sushi course
  • Cezaryicona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    CezaryAprile 9, 2013
    see the documentary on Netflix and come here to achieve umami (while Jiro is still alive!). resos open on the 1st of the month for the following month, taken only in Japanese. Jiro = sushi perfection.
  • moriemonicona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    moriemonSettembre 5, 2015
  • Armand
    ArmandMaggio 5, 2017
    The best way to get reservations is 30 days in advance and through your hotel. Alternatively, a credit card concierge can also be helpful. I recommend this location over the other.
  • Stephane P.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Stephane PrudhommeAprile 25, 2014
    @agonarg I wanna go to Sukiyabashi Jiro, one of the world's finest sushi restaurants. The 10-seat restaurant, the first of its kind to win a three-star Michelin Guide rating. Obama was there yesteday!
  • jansen c.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    jansen cGiugno 13, 2015
    Remember to do some homework before going there to truly enjoy a great traditional sushi experience with the master! It's expensive but you won't be disappointed.
  • Paul F.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Paul FarrellAgosto 19, 2016
    One of the food highlights of a lifetime. Scratch that, one of the highlights of a lifetime full stop. Lives up to the hype and then laps it.
  • Chris W.
    Chris WagnerDicembre 5, 2012
    You can only book a reservation 1 month in advance of dining. Hotel concierge must make reservation. Bring lots of cash and enjoy the best sushi restaurant in the world.
  • Chef Bradley B.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Chef Bradley BorchardtGennaio 11, 2014
    (Sukiyabashi JIro in Ginza) An extraordinary experience-the old man (nearly 90 now) made every piece of sushi for us...beyond intense... http://www.expandingpalates.com/food/item/tokyo-9/
  • Jeffrey B.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Jeffrey BalanagDicembre 16, 2015
    After you wangle a reservation (LOL), forget the food pics, read the master's sushi handbook, sit back a tad, and enjoy the toexperience ;)
  • Dan T.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Dan TorresAprile 29, 2017
    Jiro absolutely lives up to the hype. Once in a lifetime experience. Needlefish was one of my favorite pieces.
  • Staff Picks
    Staff PicksDicembre 6, 2016
    Sukiyabashi Jiro was one of the more wished for places throughout 2015’s I Want Somewhere holiday campaign. Where’s your somewhere? Enter to win a bucket list experience. Leggi tutto
  • Pedro J.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Pedro JimenezAprile 19, 2013
    The staff recommends that you eat each piece as it is served to you to get the optimal experience Do not wait until everyone else is served. And you can always continue your conversations afterwards.
  • Mike O.
    Mike O'DeaGiugno 1, 2012
    Have your hotel book you ahead of time. Do not take pictures of the staff, only the fish. Bring cash. Sit back and enjoy something amazing.
  • Cameron G.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Cameron GreenAprile 18, 2013
    Take cash. Or run with the staff to the 7-eleven ATM on Harumi Dori. :)
  • CJ D.
    CJ DayritFebbraio 24, 2013
    One of the best sushi I have ever tried.... Though be prepared with very stern faces and horrifying service.
  • Richard S.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Richard SunSettembre 14, 2014
    Some of the best sushi I ever had!
  • Rachel W.
    Rachel W.Maggio 19, 2012
    Enjoy, hands down, the best sushi in the world. Savor every second you're here because it'll be over before you know it.
  • Matt O.
    Matt O'NeillDicembre 8, 2013
    Now takes credit card :)
  • Pedro J.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Pedro JimenezAprile 19, 2013
    The staff recommended the ocha, or hot tea, as the best beverage to accompany the meal.
  • W. Vincent P.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    W. Vincent ParkFebbraio 8, 2013
    Cash only, had to run to ATM with the staff, other examples alike include: Bruno Mars, Hugh Jackman
  • melody j.
    melody juGiugno 19, 2015
    The food was not bad, shari was pretty balanced While the entire dining experience was quite disappointing, only 25 min for a meal,the service was horrible. Not worth 3.5k+. Still prefer Harutaka Leggi tutto
  • Yushengicona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    YushengNovembre 13, 2015
    Very bold flavors. Not subtle at all. And be prepared to eat faster than you've ever eaten.
  • Jieun Christina L.
    Jieun Christina LeeAprile 13, 2017
    Located at the C6 exit of the Ginza station (B1). Take the elevator near the bus station. 긴자역 지하 C6번출구로 가면 있음. 지상에서는 the suit company가 있는 빌딩 건너편 나리타공항가는 버스정류장 옆 엘레베이터로 내려가면 빠름.
  • Shawicona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    ShawLuglio 24, 2013
    I'm just here for the soy sauce
  • Sam X.
    Sam XiaoAprile 5, 2017
    God of Sushi !
  • Zheta A.
    Zheta AraqueAgosto 18, 2017
    No dan reservas, he sentido que no te querían atender por ser de fuera. Alucinante
  • Mike O.
    Mike O'DeaGiugno 1, 2012
    Have your belly rubbed by Jiro.
  • Jason H.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Jason H.Agosto 1, 2024
    Hmmmm - I think these days Jiro dreams of tourists. Overpriced. Unfriendly. Adequate sushi. Rushed. $780 for 2 people. No thank you. Never again.
  • Tim C.
    Tim CrookMarzo 31, 2014
    Crazy good sushi.
  • Claudia H.
    Claudia HernándezFebbraio 18, 2015
    Sukiyabashi Jiro.
  • らいか
    らいかAgosto 30, 2014
  • Claudia H.
    Claudia HernándezGiugno 26, 2017
    ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Michelin
  • Kenji K.
    Kenji KatsuragiAprile 23, 2014
  • Claudia H.
    Claudia HernándezAgosto 25, 2017
    ⭐⭐⭐ Michelin
Foto274 Foto

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  • すきやばし次郎 sukiyabashi jiro tokyo •
  • sukiyabashi jiro 銀座 tokyo

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