The Evolution Store

The Evolution Store

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Negozio di articoli da regalo e Negozio di souvenir
SoHo, New York
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  • Elevine B.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Elevine BergeFebbraio 2, 2015
    Amazing little gem full of amazing rocks, crystals, dried insects (!) and rarities. Superb little hide-out from these crazy luxury shops in the area.
  • Nick J.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Nick JohnsonGiugno 27, 2013
    Upstairs you can choose from a selection of mounted insects and they will frame them for you. They also have a few unmounted specimens for those brave enough to try it (it's really fun)!
  • Mari S.
    Mari S.Gennaio 21, 2015
    Coolest store ever! You will find the most curious stuff here. This one is a must visit in NYC - SoHo.
  • Braga
    BragaAprile 7, 2012
    A loja perfeita para vc presentear sua namorada com um belo esqueleto de bebês siameses, sua mãe com uma tarântula em acrílico ou seu pai com um crânio autêntico de alienígena. Vem ser feliz.
  • Jon S.
    Jon SteinbackLuglio 24, 2014
    if one of these creepy human skeletons has caught your eye, be aware: you can only buy one with an up-to-date medical license.
  • Foursquare Insiders
    Foursquare InsidersNovembre 23, 2015
    “Nature is truly beautiful and Evolution has put a frame on it.” - Nina Garcia, creative director of Marie Claire Leggi tutto
  • MarieClaire
    MarieClaireDicembre 9, 2010
    Shopping isn’t all about clothes. I love stores that carry unique, bizarre items. With cool rocks and creepy taxidermy, it’s one of the most interesting shops in Soho. -Nina Garcia, Fashion Director
  • Sasha T.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Sasha TkachenkoOttobre 28, 2014
    Черепа, скелеты, всякая ерунда - но хочется купить все! (Человеческие - все копии, чтоб особо нервные за валокордин не хватались). Купите ребенку сборную модель черепа, в конце концов.
  • Emily H.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Emily HummelGennaio 21, 2014
    One of the coolest stores ever. Neat little fossil and entomological gifts. Incredible taxidermy upstairs!
  • Anna P.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Anna PeskovaAprile 9, 2016
    хотите привезти оригинальный подарок друзьям? стоит однозначно посетить этот магазин: много таксидермии — животных и всяких букашек
  • TheParrisFoundation
    TheParrisFoundationOttobre 24, 2011
    For the extreme scientists and fans of eccentric collectibles. This is like going to a museum where you're allowed, and encouraged, to take the display items home with you.
  • T M.
    T MarchevAprile 14, 2016
    Nice :) Check here: Big discounts! Quality natural products :)
  • Denis A.
    Denis AkhapkinLuglio 21, 2015
    Head to the second floor for the shells and butterflies. Best place to find gifts for any age
  • Joshua C.
    Joshua ContoisFebbraio 4, 2013
    Hands down the biggest shopping destination in the city for anyone science minded. Their entemological mounts are top notch.
  • Dave R.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Dave RichardOttobre 7, 2015
    Wonderfully strange shop. You can buy so many weird things! There's an assortment of bones and whatnot
  • Alex H.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Alex HennesseyAgosto 23, 2015
    Very cool wares and fun to browse but so expensive; who the hell is spending thousands on this stuff??
  • Nicole M.
    Nicole MarcelliniOttobre 14, 2012
    This shop is a must see in Soho. Not only for evolution freaks!
  • Diego R.
    Diego RufoAprile 5, 2011
    You can buy astronaut food, stuffed birds and human skulls, but if you don´t need this sort of stuff, you can also acquire insects, shells, or minerals, which are much more common. =P Leggi tutto
  • Cristo L.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Cristo LeonLuglio 16, 2015
    Macabro, terrifico, con un poco de mal gusto. En escencia en lugar muy interesante para visitar
  • Lindsayeicona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    LindsayeMaggio 27, 2015
    AmAzing store to stumble upon. Take your time going through this one.
  • Let's Go
    Let's GoAprile 4, 2011
    Fascinating place and completely different than any other store in SoHo, Evolution sells natural history items both cheap and expensive, but always exotic. Leggi tutto
  • James D.
    James DeLayoSettembre 5, 2014
    Friendly knowledgeable staff - be sure to check out the upstairs!
  • samia j.
    samia jacinthoSettembre 6, 2011
    Amazing little shop! Don't forget to look up or you will miss the amazing Germam study posters.
  • Lauren R.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Lauren RodriguesMaggio 21, 2013
    This store held my fascination. I wish I could spend a whole day in here!
  • Kushal D.
    Kushal DaveOttobre 6, 2012
    On the Slate Culture Gabfest, Dana Stevens recommended checking out the drawers of butterflies.
  • ジュリアン グ.
    A very cool shop where you can buy skeletons.
  • The Evolution Store
    The Evolution StoreNovembre 17, 2013
    Head to the second floor for even more unique finds!
  • Sean F.
    Sean FitzroyNovembre 1, 2011
    Fetus skeletons are $895, but you and a friend can make one at home for free.
  • Tania F.
    Tania FirrignoLuglio 4, 2011
    Don't miss the comparative brains and hearts on the second floor!
  • Andy🔥 F.
    Andy🔥 FeliciottiOttobre 8, 2011
    Neat little shop with obscure things, worth taking a look
  • Jules S.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Jules ShapiroSettembre 5, 2014
    Like a museum where you can buy the pieces!
  • Mélanie V.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Mélanie VecchioSettembre 1, 2015
    Je pourrais y rester des heures. Idées cadeau
  • Emily S.
    Emily SearsAprile 27, 2011
    The baby fetus skeletons are real. Go upstairs and contemplate.
  • Greg P.
    Greg PhilippiAprile 28, 2012
    Buy the 10,000 yr old fossil cave bear skull! I can't afford it at $11,950
  • Broodr
    BroodrOttobre 24, 2011
    Looking for that uniquely scary gift? This is the spot.
  • Rajeev M.
    Rajeev MSettembre 25, 2013
    Interesting, if freaky, stuff.
  • Jourdan D.
    Jourdan DudgeonGiugno 26, 2011
    Great taxidermy and freeze dried spectacles!
  • brown c.
    brown coltonMaggio 1, 2016
    nice store
  • Amanda R.
    Amanda RAgosto 24, 2010
    they have the craziest stuff in here, especially on the second floor!
  • Dennis Y.
    Dennis YuSettembre 6, 2012
    Makes odd things awesome!
  • Jeffrey R.
    Jeffrey RNovembre 9, 2011
    Awesome store check out the Meteorites
  • Sandra R.
    Sandra RuanFebbraio 5, 2012
    This store carries neat anatomical models ready to be assembled.
  • funky f.
    funky flavorOttobre 11, 2011
    Try the insect lolly pop
  • Ashley A.
    Ashley ArgotiGiugno 26, 2012
  • Greg P.
    Greg PhilippiAprile 28, 2012
    Or a Raccoon Penni's bone
  • coleen c.
    coleen c.Aprile 18, 2011
    this place cheers me up. the coolest place ever for dead things
  • Valeria M.
    Valeria MelisMaggio 9, 2011
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