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Vendita al dettaglio di computer ed elettronica
Jateční 33a
"Even though this cafe is inside Alza, a online retail shop, it is really very good. Highly recommended when waiting for your package! 🎁"
Asiatico · $$$
Bubenské nábř. 306/13 (Hala 25)
"One of my most favorite restaurants in Prague. Mind-blowing Asian cuisine by chef Shahaf Shabtay, attention to detail and very hip."
Holešovické trhy
Mercato dei contadini
Bubenské nábř. 306/13 (Hala 22)
"Great place to shop for vegetables, fruit, bread, meat and dairy."
Creato da Tuğcan Soydan
36 voci
Creato da Josef Sysel
15 voci • 8 sostenitori
Creato da Fabrizio Martini
1 voce • 1 sostenitore
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