Radio City Music Hall

Radio City Music Hall

Sala concerti, Luogo con spettacoli dal vivo, e Teatro
Rockefeller Center, New York
Icona Consigli e recensioni50 Consigli e recensioni
  • danza
  • adatto alle famiglie
  • massimo
  • rockettes
  • zarkana
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  • Antonio V.
    Antonio VGiugno 26, 2019
    Un nome un mito. Il Radio City Music Hall è sinonimo nel mondo di ottimi spettacoli. Merita la visita fin dalla sua apertura nel lontano 1932.L'interno è uno dei massimi esempi di Art Decò.
  • marco g.
    marco giuntoliNovembre 23, 2011
    Spettacolo meraviglioso Lo consiglio a tutti
  • ℳ𝒶𝓎♍icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    ℳ𝒶𝓎♍Giugno 1, 2018
    Such a beautifully true NY landmark and actually quite large theater. Classic decor like red velvet folding seats and true orchestra seating all persist, unchanged from past decades
    Votato positivo 5 giorni fa
  • The Capital Grille
    The Capital GrilleSettembre 17, 2013
    Enjoy the sound of the "Mighty Wurlitzer" organ, which was built especially for the theatre 65 years ago. Its pipes, which range in size from a few inches to 32 feet, are housed in 11 separate rooms.
    Votato positivo Jan 5
  • The New Yorker
    The New YorkerAgosto 3, 2012
    When Radio City first opened in 1932, it was the world’s largest enclosed theatre. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. once remarked to a New Yorker reporter, “Don’t you think that it’s a lovely room?” Leggi tutto
    Votato positivo Jan 4
  • Alan x.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Alan x el mundoLuglio 7, 2015
    Uno de los centros de espectáculos más importantes del mundo, el mural del lobby fue pintada en canchas de tenis y transportado por partes.
    Votato positivo Dec 29, 2024
  • Drewskiicona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    DrewskiOttobre 19, 2016
    Awesome venue, just make sure you're seeing someone who would benefit from a slightly tamer, more intimate venue than the Terminal 5s of the world. High-energy bands sometimes feel awkward here.
  • Anjeiicona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    AnjeiOttobre 22, 2017
    È stato qui più di 10 volte
    Фасад здания просто заряжен позитивной энергией - раз за разом в любое время суток так и тянет сюда
  • The Corcoran Group
    The Corcoran GroupDicembre 17, 2011
    Take a tour of this beautiful and historic music venue daily from 11am-3pm. During the holidays, you simply must go to the Christmas Spectacular…Rockettes all the way!
  • Richard R.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Richard RevillaGennaio 7, 2019
    Of course the Christmas Spectacular is amazing and a must see. Theater is large and acoustic is very good.
  • Kathy L.
    Kathy LebronDicembre 30, 2014
    The theatre is huge and very busy during the Christmas season, so prepare your out of town guests! Not a bad seat in the house. Great acoustics and spacious seats.
  • Clarice L.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Clarice LongSettembre 8, 2015
    É como voltar aos anos 1930! Lindo, elegante e ENORME! Vale a pena assistir ao Christmas Spectaculas, com as famosas Rockettes!
    Votato positivo Dec 31, 2024
  • Paddyicona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    PaddyFebbraio 2, 2016
    Outstanding venue. Beautiful surroundings with great views and great sound. As with any American venue there was no shortage of concession stands.
  • Gothamist
    GothamistAgosto 1, 2014
    Get tickets here well in advance, and expect to shell out for shows; and as a pro tip, try to get orchestra seats that aren't under a balcony, since the lower ceiling can stunt the acoustics a bit. Leggi tutto
  • Ievyy M.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Ievyy MDicembre 31, 2016
    Such a beautiful place inside and "The rokettes" show is absolutely fabulous - believe a frequent broadway and theatre visitor!
  • L. T.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    L. T.Ottobre 26, 2015
    Every seat is comfortable and has a good view. The staff is friendly and accommodating! They give direction without hesitation or "um, uh, I think..." Like other venues. Bravo.
  • Juan G.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Juan GarcíaGennaio 11, 2016
    Sus impresionantes dimensiones, la belleza de sus decorados art-decó... Nueva York!!! Mi ciudad preferida!!
  • American Christmas
    American ChristmasNovembre 11, 2016
    The tree at Radio City Music Hall is 72 feet tall and 25 feet wide at the base. The tree is lit with approximately 57,000 LED lights that fade from red to white. The tree is installed in one night.
  • Amanda N.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Amanda NanawaOttobre 16, 2018
    One of the best venues in the country with amazing acoustics. Always loved watching my favorite bands perform here.
  • Kisha C.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Kisha ChandlerNovembre 25, 2018
    Great Christmas show for the entire family. Worth making a day of it and see the windows, St. Pat’s, FAO, and the tree.
  • Karen D.
    Karen DuganSettembre 14, 2019
    È stato qui più di 10 volte
    One of the most beautiful venues in the City. The foyer is exquisite and the ladies room is so glamorous.
  • Holiday
    HolidayAprile 14, 2017
    I never miss a chance to come here. One of the city's most magnificent gifts. The glorious of 1930s architecture perfecting preserved. Amazing sound system, purchase orchestra tickets if you can.
  • 1YearOfSingle
    1YearOfSingleLuglio 25, 2016
    È stato qui più di 5 volte
    Stars Align! For an occasional celebrity sighting, check out the doors to the Comcast Building - across from Radio City Music Hall – where they hang out to get a smoke!
  • Brad Z.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Brad ZickafooseOttobre 23, 2014
    One of my favorite places to see a concert in NYC. Wipe a booger under a seat in anticipation of one of your least favorite celebrities accidentally touching it during an upcoming awards ceremony.
  • Billy B.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Billy BachmanDicembre 10, 2016
    Rockettes Christmas Spectacular was a really good show. We sat in the center front row of the first mezzanine and was probably one of the best places to sit.
  • Fabio d.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Fabio de LizMarzo 8, 2016
    Espetáculo de Natal nota 1000! Amei! Lugar grande, bonito e bem cuidado!
    Votato positivo Dec 31, 2024
  • Chip F.
    Chip FDicembre 1, 2015
    Great Show, The Radio City Music Hall Rockettes were excellent. Put this on your "to do" bucket List. The Gift Shop was expensive, other than that an overall great night.
  • H&M
    H&MSettembre 6, 2012
    Enjoy this epic theater, then enjoy Fashion's Night Out 2012 with us! Head to the H&M on 640 5th Ave & (s)hop a bus around town! Receive 30% off your favorite item from 6pm - 11pm & other surprises!
  • Theo D.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Theo DiamonteAprile 4, 2018
    Get there way early! They start the show right on time & continue to seat people throughout start of the show.
  • annie .icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    annie 🧸Giugno 18, 2022
    Gorgeous. Note that there is one functioning water fountain on the second floor, if you’re trying to fill a water bottle
  • Carlos G.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Carlos GLuglio 27, 2016
    it 's one of the best places in NYC, and if you don't want to see a show there u can go to a visit, every day.You'll enjoy it very much.
  • Nancy F.
    Nancy FinneyMarzo 5, 2018
    Beautiful. Check out the art in the bathrooms. Worth every penny, such an inspiring venue.
  • Meredith C.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Meredith CutlerOttobre 27, 2023
    Terrifically fun, informative tour! Left us wanting to return to see the Rockettes!
  • Andrew C.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Andrew CGennaio 2, 2016
    È stato qui più di 5 volte
    This historic theatre is one of the absolute best places to experience a concert. Bands just sound better.
  • Bob D.
    Bob DDicembre 2, 2021
    Very cool, very prestigious. A must stop. Or at least your picture taken out front.
  • Sara N.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Sara NagyDicembre 17, 2015
    The rockets are amazing! Get their early because the lines are nuts but they do have u moving fast.
  • Ruben C.
    Ruben Cisneros PerezSettembre 19, 2011
    Stop by and enjoy the Rockettes show, it's totally worthy! and the best thing is that no matters if you go to NYC during summer or spring, the Christmas Rockettes Show is always available!
  • Kirk W.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Kirk WoodDicembre 31, 2018
    Beautiful theatre on the inside. Sound is great. Went to see the Rockettes Christmas Spectacular here and had a great time.
  • ESPN
    ESPNAprile 24, 2012
    Radio City Music Hall became the home of the NFL Draft in 2006. If you’re here for the event, do yourself a favor. Take a minute to admire Mel Kiper’s coiffure in person. It’s GLORIOUS.
  • Michelin Travel & Lifestyle
    A great show deserves a great meal! Find the best restaurants in town with our MICHELIN NY Red Guide mobile app, $0.99 for a limited time only! Leggi tutto
  • Kiboo
    KibooDicembre 12, 2012
    The 85th Anniversary Christmas Spectacular is AMAZING! The Rockettes are classy as ever, and tickets get down to $10 on Stub Hub.
  • 🍁 Maria Clara
    🍁 Maria ClaraDicembre 24, 2014
    É um super cliché natalino, mas não deixa de ser muito bom! A música os números de dança, sapateado e patinação! Vale a pena!
  • Stephen L.
    Stephen LoboscoNovembre 29, 2011
    I walked across this stage and was picture on their screen, larger than life. I will always love this place. Oh and they have great shows here as well. Huge plus.
  • Lydia B.
    Lydia BuckiusMaggio 25, 2015
    Must see classic rockettes during the holiday season and new spring 2015 spring spectacular! Both amazing must see shows every year!
  • Jayson M.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Jayson MGiugno 6, 2015
    Set up a tower in advance before arriving in the city! Great proximity to NBC, Central Park and Rockefeller center if your touring!
  • Sam H.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Sam HNovembre 27, 2015
    Lovely and large venue but very disorganized when it comes to letting in people. Took almost 20 minutes for me to get through and I showed up early to the show and ended up being late
  • Madonna
    MadonnaFebbraio 2, 2012
    June 6, 1985 - The Virgin Tour stops at the Radio City Music Hall for 5 shows. Performed songs include: Holiday, Into the Groove, Everybody, Lucky Star, Like a Virgin, Material Girl and more...
  • eric b.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    eric bornemannNovembre 9, 2020
    Beautiful Art Deco gem of a venue- only problem is that with tight union rules you often miss out on encores.
  • 1YearOfSingle
    1YearOfSingleLuglio 25, 2016
    È stato qui più di 5 volte
    Mid-Street Crossing! Do not cross of the corners at this particular block! There are crosswalk lines right in the middle of the block in the street, so keep an eye out!
  • Julie S.
    Julie SosciaGennaio 29, 2019
    A great venue for entertainment in Midtown. It's primarily known as the home of the Rockettes and the Christmas Spectacular
Foto10.465 Foto

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