Songs at the new world on Monday nights is delightful, entertaining and showcases some of new yorks most talented voices in a smaller, more comfortable and kitschy setting. Amazing 2dollar shots
Come Monday nights for musicaltheatrekaraoke. There's a bar and a live piano player, and the host Colleen and her sexy librarian are very welcoming to newcomers and regulars alike.
Avenue Q is a hilarious musical, think adult Sesame Street! Plus they serve you drinks in your seat @ this theatre ( no waiting in long intermissionlines)
Get Cheap The Gazillion Bubble Show New York Tickets by Leggi tutto
What a gorgeous new theatre space!! I can't say much for "Peter And the Starcatcher," which was lots clever staging + wockadoo-wockadoo physical humor but HORRIBLE script. Terrible Brit accents, too.
Tues., June 7 @ 6:30pm. Team In Training hosts their season Kick Off event. Anyone can come learn about training for a full or half marathon or triathlon. for info or to RSVP.
Everything was great even though my first encounter was with the extremely rude bartender at The Green Room. Weird how he didn't see me right in front of his face? Is it because I'm Asian?😉
Caught one of the last shows of Avenue Q at this theater. The casual space is small, so any seat you nab will be pretty close to the stage. Leggi tutto