V is for...
Franchia is one of V is for....

1. Franchia

12 Park Ave (at E 34th St.), New York, NY
Ristorante vegetariano e vegano · Murray Hill · 149 consigli e recensioni
Terri is one of V is for....

3. Terri

60 W 23rd St (at 6th Ave), New York, NY
Ristorante vegetariano e vegano · Flatiron District · 317 consigli e recensioni
Soom Soom Vegetarian Bar is one of V is for....

4. Soom Soom Vegetarian Bar

166 W 72nd St (at Amsterdam Ave.), New York, NY
Ristorante vegetariano e vegano · Lincoln Square · 36 consigli e recensioni
Kajitsu is one of V is for....

5. Kajitsu

125 E 39th St (btwn Park & Lexington Ave), New York, NY
Ristorante giapponese · Murray Hill · 72 consigli e recensioni
Buddha Bodai 佛菩提素菜 is one of V is for....

6. Buddha Bodai 佛菩提素菜

5 Mott St (btwn Chatham Sq & Mosco St), New York, NY
Ristorante vegetariano e vegano · Chinatown · 121 consigli e recensioni