Michelin Starred Restaraunts
Veritas Restaurant is one of Michelin Starred Restaraunts.

1. Veritas Restaurant

Corso Vittorio Emanuele 141, Napoli, Campania
Ristorante · Chiaia · 3 consigli e recensioni
Marea is one of Michelin Starred Restaraunts.

2. Marea

240 Central Park S (at 59th St & Broadway), New York, NY
Ristorante di pesce · Theater District · 356 consigli e recensioni
Harwood Arms is one of Michelin Starred Restaraunts.

3. Harwood Arms

Walham Grove, Londra, Greater London
Pub ristorante · Fulham Broadway · 79 consigli e recensioni
Marchal is one of Michelin Starred Restaraunts.

4. Marchal

Kongens Nytorv 34, København K
Ristorante francese · Indre By · 14 consigli e recensioni
Schuhbecks in den Südtiroler Stuben is one of Michelin Starred Restaraunts.

5. Schuhbecks in den Südtiroler Stuben

Platzl 6-8, Monaco di Baviera, Baviera
Ristorante tedesco · Altstadt · 12 consigli e recensioni
Yauatcha is one of Michelin Starred Restaraunts.

6. Yauatcha

15-17 Broadwick St (Berwick St), Londra, Greater London
Ristorante dim sum · Soho, London, Greater London · 426 consigli e recensioni
Céleste is one of Michelin Starred Restaraunts.

7. Céleste

Hyde Park Corner, Londra, Greater London
Ristorante · Knightsbridge and Belgravia · 22 consigli e recensioni
Fera is one of Michelin Starred Restaraunts.

8. Fera

Claridge's Hotel, Londra, Greater London
Ristorante europeo moderno · Mayfair · 34 consigli e recensioni
Galvin La Chapelle is one of Michelin Starred Restaraunts.

9. Galvin La Chapelle

35 Spital Sq, Londra, Greater London
Ristorante francese · Spitalfields and Banglatown · 70 consigli e recensioni