Hard to pass a judgment left before we ordered, went there with a friend in the singles section which is (outdoor) if I decide to go again for sure wont be in the singles
Overrated and totally overpriced, my order was LA RUSTICA pizza 6/10 LinguineTruffle 2/10 and Forno Provolone Cheeseappetizer (which was the best honestly) plus MojitoStrawberry 4/10
الاكل حلو لكن معاملة المحل سيئة لان تاخرت وحدة ربع ساعه وكل شوي يجون عندنا متي بتجي وهذي سياسة المحل وطلبتا الاكل لكن شكلهم يبونا نخلص بسرعه عشان يستقبلون غيرنا وهذا كله وقت الصلاة وهم مقفلين الباب 😡