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- Jack ViestiGennaio 3, 2015Durante il nostro soggiorno a Budapest ci siamo andati due volte a pranzare!! Si mangia veramente bene e si spende pochissimo! Vi consiglio assolutamente il Gulash che fanno qua!!
- We Love BudapestDicembre 2, 2014This is a trendy spot on the corner of Gozsdu and Király. One of the busiest bars of downtown Budapest awaits you with music to dance to on Fridays and Saturdays and something different on other days. Leggi tutto
- sara garridoGennaio 2, 2015Music is the best. Amazing dj. The staff is extremely friendly (hungarians are usually not) so its good vibe. Food good and lots of beer!
- Marco PrfrDicembre 29, 2014Great bar with a little dancefloor downstairs! Good for getting drinks before going out! After 3pm it gets really trashy with lots lof drunks!
- Merve Sena AktaşFebbraio 11, 2014Wifi is "kolor999" there are lots of cool guys and cool music. And ofcourse cool drinks too. But be careful, if you are tourist! Act as local one. Because one of barmaid is really careless.
- Bane JovancevicNovembre 29, 2013Good infrastructure but clubbing culture entry level a.k.a. undergrad erasmus EDM kickers crew accidentally placed into techno soundscape. Sad Neil Landstrumm and all of his heavy gear.
- Ufuk OzsahMaggio 25, 2015Good atmosphere, great drinks, good music. 👍But if you want to taste the goulash soup here please don't!!!😉 Trust me 😥
- Emese SikMarzo 10, 2014Barmen with beard and tattoos, best place! Friendly stuff, great food, delicious drinks, you have it all!
- Hector CmAgosto 5, 2013Duck breast with smashed potatoes and red cabagge. Awesome!!! This place is superb. A must in Budapest.
- superserbAgosto 14, 2015what happened? menu completely gone, both food and cocktails... once one of favorites in Budapest, now close to any other tourist place... why??
- Barbara BarbadoszAprile 23, 2013Sit down at the tables if you have enough time and patience to wait for the waiter. If you would like to get your order in time you should go to the bar. :-)
- MarkusAgosto 7, 2015Good for an evening drink, preferably cocktails or shots. Live music was nice and not too kitsch. Prices are okay too, staff was a bit slow, but it was fine.
- ÖzhanAgosto 17, 2015Budapeştede barlar mekanında yer alan bir bar Cafe karışımı bir lokasyon. Eğlenceli Müzikleri mevcut oturup etrafı seyredebileceğiniz bir mekan.
- Olga KaostraMaggio 6, 2013Good prices, nice and pretty waiters,especialy barmen:-) great undegraund night club with good music:-)
- Zita LetenyeiGennaio 5, 2014Try Lovarda if you want something really extreme. I got it from Zoltan Forrai. He is a great bartender.
- My fav spot in the city. Food good, Kinema good, virus klub good, atmosphere awesome.
- Bertrand SignoretAprile 7, 2013The duck leg and brownie are excellent. You should definitely give it a try
- Ayxa ZamanAgosto 17, 2015Live music at around 5? Well, it might be too noisy if you try to get relaxed
- Slaven TadićMaggio 11, 2014Good ambient with good products. Barmen shows off a lot and the waiters are a bit lazy
- FruzsinaGennaio 2, 2015A felszolgalok bunkok es lassuak, egyszeruen nincsenek a helyzet magaslatan. Az egesz hely olyan, mint egy huspiac. A hangos zene miatt beszelgetni lehetetlenseg, de tancolni sem lehet. Gagyi.
- Lunch menu for 800? Ell yeah w 3 amazing bbq rib!!
- Nagyon tetszik a hely, végre egy kis újdonság Budapesten:) A kiszolgálás gyors, a pultosok és a felszolgálók segítőkészek és kedvesek ... A koktélok pedig finomak :) Az egyik kedvenc helyem lesz! :))
- Annamária KeleAprile 24, 2014A felszolgálò a környekedre se néz, a korsó sör 3 decis pohàrban erkezik. A "nagy" limonádé egyszer fél literes, egyszer 3 decis pohárban érkezik (hátha nem vesszük észre) ugyanazért az árért...
- David I.Luglio 20, 2013Figyeljetek oda, simán felírnak +1-2 italt a számlára, majd a kavarodásra fogják, okay...csapolt Soproni, Fácán, Heineken, Soproni Démon, Edelweiss van amúgy (560-600/korsó), házi fröccs tök átlagos.
- Dr.Ç.AAprile 5, 2013Mayorun Türk olduğu güzel bir mekan:))Soracak çok şey vardı ama mayora ulaşamadım henüz.
- Absolut HuNovembre 25, 2014Ha még nem voltál a Kolorban, nem is éltél éjszaka a városban! Kérj egy frissítő dinnyés Absolut koktélt, és biztos, hogy törzsvendég leszel! Leggi tutto
- Nem lenne rossz, ha a pincerek nem szarnak le a fejedet, egy ilyen felkapott turista helyen eleg ciki h nem beszelik rendesen az angolt,de persze a fizetesnel rogton megertik a borravalo mennyiseget..
- Piadina would be good if u can get what ever u want it
- OpinikuszAprile 1, 2014Nagyon nagyon lassú kiszolgálás, jól lakni nem tudsz, szóval ha éhesen jösz,akkor hozz magaddal meg kaját ;-) .. Szép, izgalmas belső tér,de a pozitivumok listaja ezzel ki is merül..
- Eric WolffMarzo 15, 2015Endroit sympa par contre au sous sol la musique n'est pas optimum (vieillerie des années 80).
- Ken WhiteMaggio 12, 2013There will be an English language comedy show here on Tuesday 21st May at 8PM,
www.danubeevents.com for details - NetbushGiugno 21, 2015Food is mediocre, but the craft cherry bear is worth staying here for a couple of hours.