summer fun

1. Woodland View Adventures

719 Canoe Run Rd, Jersey Shore, PA
Altri grandi spazi all'aperto · 1 consiglio

visitPAvisitPA: Grab that special someone and saddle up for a guided trail ride and enjoy a delicious campfire dinner on the mountain. Now that's ambiance.

Hiawatha Paddlewheel Riverboat is one of summer fun.

2. Hiawatha Paddlewheel Riverboat

2205 Hiawatha Blvd (Route 15), Williamsport, PA
Altri grandi spazi all'aperto · 7 consigli e recensioni

visitPAvisitPA: Call ahead and book the brunch cruise. Delicious buffet and a beautiful cruise on the picturesque Susquehanna.

Whitaker Center for Science & Art is one of summer fun.

3. Whitaker Center for Science & Art

222 Market St (at N 3rd St), Harrisburg, PA
Musei di scienze · Downtown Harrisburg · 37 consigli e recensioni
Hershey's Chocolate World is one of summer fun.

4. Hershey's Chocolate World

251 Park Blvd (at Hersheypark), Hershey, PA
Negozio di dolciumi · 213 consigli e recensioni

visitPAvisitPA: A little of this & a lot of chocolate. Fun spot with huge candy store & cool atttractions. Gotta try the "Make your own candy bar" and don't miss those chocolate milkshakes!

Hersheypark is one of summer fun.

5. Hersheypark

100 W Hershey Park Dr (at Park Ave), Hershey, PA
Parco divertimenti · 222 consigli e recensioni
Please Touch Museum is one of summer fun.

6. Please Touch Museum

4231 Avenue of the Republic, Filadelfia, PA
Museo · West Philadelphia · 113 consigli e recensioni