Italia Locations

1. Italia Coffee House

Sunset Crest, St. James, Barbados, St. James, Barbados
Coffee-shop · 12 consigli e recensioni

Corey G.Corey Graham 2.0: Great for small meetings, coffee and internet

2. Italia Coffee House

Broad Street, Bridgetown, Saint Michael
Coffee-shop · 12 consigli e recensioni

Jus10 W.Jus10 Ward: One of the only spots I know in Bridgetown that has free Wifi!

Italia Coffee House is one of Italia Locations.

3. Italia Coffee House

Quayside Center, Christ Church
Coffee-shop · 17 consigli e recensioni

Mac N.Mac Neal: Great coffee wonderful people

4. Italia coffee house

Sheraton Center Mall, Christ Church
Bar Caffè · 8 consigli e recensioni

Jason G.Jason Greene: Caramel espresso is nice but i love my frescante hella bad