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  • LEQ
    LEQDicembre 19, 2011
    È stato qui più di 10 volte
    A quirky little shop worth stopping in if you are passing by. Their clothes are pretty expensive but unique enough to warrant browsing through.
  • Lydia L.
    Lydia LynesLuglio 14, 2014
    Wide selection of Anthropologie and other gypsy inspired clothing. Pricey for a shop found in a college town.
  • Kristin S.
    Kristin ShortMaggio 15, 2010
    Go to Grassroots and give them your birthday and address. They will send you a coupon each year on your birthday.
  • Chuck D.
    Chuck DykeNovembre 8, 2011
    Eclectic shop full of surprises
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