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Farmer's BBQ

Farmer's BBQ

(Adesso chiuso)
Locale per barbecue$$$$
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  • Chris W.
    Chris WolfeFebbraio 6, 2013
    Killer BBQ at good prices. Try all the sauces.
  • Lindsey H.
    Lindsey HarrillLuglio 18, 2010
    I have just introduced Farmer's BBQ to the "foursquare" world, they are playing around with the idea of using it and possibly having tasty treats for the mayor, keep checking in!!!! Leggi tutto
    FARMER'S BBQGiugno 14, 2011
    È stato qui più di 100 volte
    BBQ Chicken Sandwich on Bread Ends with White BBQ Sauce. A Taste of Alabama right here!
  • Alexa S.
    Alexa S.Maggio 15, 2013
    Great food. Worth checking out.
  • howard H.
    howard HickersonMarzo 22, 2011
    Livermush Egg and Cheese! Get over the name and order one, they are excellent.
  • Mike D.
    Mike DudkowskiSettembre 25, 2011
    Lunch specials are great. Tasty mac n cheese!
  • Casey S.
    Casey SeverinoFebbraio 14, 2013
    15% Student Discount! Can't beat that!
  • Roscoe A.
    Roscoe AiliffNovembre 19, 2011
    Kids eat for $2 is a great deal
  • Marc B.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Marc BowesNovembre 7, 2012
    È stato qui più di 10 volte
    Can't beat the lunch special
  • Hans K.
    Hans KaufmannMaggio 26, 2010
    È stato qui più di 5 volte
    Can't go wrong with the pork bbq lunch combo.
  • Nadine H.
    Nadine HenryMarzo 8, 2012
    Love breakfast sandwiches
  • Mike S.
    Mike SilversLuglio 19, 2010
    try the rocket sauce, if you dare!
  • Aimee A.
    Aimee AbernathyFebbraio 17, 2012
    Only go in if you have a lot of time, and enjoy poor service and while food. This visit was worse than the last. Last chance blown.
  • Jennifer H.
    Jennifer HenryMarzo 3, 2012
    The food is good
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