Ethiopian restaurants
Gojo Fasika is one of Ethiopian restaurants.

1. Gojo Fasika

Ringvägen 161 (Renstiernas Gata), Stoccolma, Storstockholm
Ristorante etiope · Östra Katarina · 21 consigli e recensioni

David L.David L: The best food of all Ethiopian (and/or Eritrean) restaurants.

Restaurang Abyssinia is one of Ethiopian restaurants.

2. Restaurang Abyssinia

Ringvägen 105 (Gräsgatan), Stoccolma, Storstockholm
Ristorante etiope · Västra Katarina · 1 consiglio
EthioStar is one of Ethiopian restaurants.

3. EthioStar

Saltmätargatan 19A, Stoccolma, Storstockholm
Ristorante etiope · Norra Adolf Fredrik · 6 consigli e recensioni
Abyssinia is one of Ethiopian restaurants.

4. Abyssinia

Karlbergsvägen 46, Stoccolma, Storstockholm
Ristorante etiope · Norrmalm · 4 consigli e recensioni
Jebena is one of Ethiopian restaurants.

5. Jebena

Kungsklippan, Stoccolma, Storstockholm
Ristorante etiope · Kungsholmen · 17 consigli e recensioni