Foursquare ti aiuta a trovare i luoghi perfetti a Leopoldstadt dove andare con gli amici:

  • 9.3

    Wiener Rösthaus im Prater

    Bar Caffè Prater 80 Vienna, Vienna

    La gente dice anche (30consigli):

    • ladislaus s.
      ladislaus stani: "Wow, selten so ein schönes Cafe gesehen, dazu noch in einem Vergnügungspark. Tolle Kuchen, Spitzen Kaffee und ein Platz zum träumen."
  • 9.0

    Mochi Ramen Bar

    Ristorante di ramen Vorgartenmarkt Vienna, Vienna

    La gente dice anche (32consigli):

    • Jenni K.
      Jenni Kókai: "Best gyoza in town, also the Spicey Chicken Ramen is incredibly good! Sadly they changed the mushroom ramen a few months ago, I miss the old one very much."
  • 8.9


    Ristorante giapponese Praterstraße 15 Vienna, Vienna

    La gente dice anche (123consigli):

    • Natalie I.
      Natalie Ilicheva: "Awesome venue to taste fresh Asian dishes. Everything is prepared close to you on the open kitchen. Beware that it’s better to book in advance cause the place is always full🍣🍢🍱👌🏻"
  • 9.2


    Parco Obere Augartenstr. Vienna, Vienna

    La gente dice anche (45consigli):

    • FRITZ f.
      FRITZ fritztheyodeler: "I used to play soccer here as a child. The Vienna Boys Choir live here and the best goulasch soup in all of Vienna can be had at "Zur Reblaus" right across the street."
  • 8.5


    Bar sulla spiaggia Salztorbrücke Vienna, Vienna

    La gente dice anche (36consigli):

    • Nic D.
      Nic D.: "Im Sommer „The place to be“ am Donaukanal. Leckeres Fassbier genießen und bis in die Nacht dem bunten Treiben auf der Flaniermeile zuschauen."
  • 8.9


    Negozio pop-up Praterstr. 70 Vienna, Vienna

    La gente dice anche (17consigli):

    • Journey City Guides
      Journey City Guides: "An exciting cafe and concept store housed in a neo-gothic building offering a selection of truly unique products and services"

La gente parla di questi luoghi a Leopoldstadt:

  • 8.7

    NENI am Prater

    Ristorante con cucina mediterranea Perspektivstraße 8, 1020 Vienna, Austria

    La gente dice anche (5consigli):

  • 8.7


    Attrazione Straße des 1. Mai Vienna, Vienna

    La gente dice anche (56consigli):

    • Mike D.
      Mike D: "So much fun! Go on the Ferris Wheel!"
    • Riham A.
      Riham Abdullah ✨: "Great place for adults or children ❤️ , free admission which is a good thing 👌🏼"
  • 8.7

    Canale del Danubio

    Canale Franz-Josefs-Kai Vienna, Vienna

    La gente dice anche (33consigli):

    • SnowKai 8.
      SnowKai 8580: "Simply beautiful, this canal is animated during the summer time, many people spend time here enjoying a glass of wine or a beer. Good place to chill with friends."
    • Lubomir K.
      Lubomir K.: "Nice place to chill out - sit with friends, go for a walk, date or run."

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