Obama campaign manager Jim Messina put a staff Ping-Pong table outside his office at Chicago HQ after a tour of all the tech companies. He said, "You have got to have fun things for them to do." Leggi tutto.
POLITICO will be taking over Packard Place during the DNC. Fun Fact: The longest Democratic convention was in 1924 in New York, when John W. Davis was nominated after 17 days & 103 ballots. #DNC2012 Leggi tutto.
Obama’s acceptance speech at the 2008 convention was on the 45th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s ‘I Have A Dream’ speech. After winning, Obama was TIME's Person of the Year in 2008. #DNC2012 Leggi tutto.
The Roots will headline StartUp RockOn's event series during the DNC here. StartUp RockOn aims to highlight America’s start up community during this year's political conventions. #DNC2012 Leggi tutto.
The Huffington Post takes over The Aja Channelside during the RNC as a place for attendees to ‘unplug and recharge their minds and bodies.' #GOP2012 Leggi tutto.
Ron Paul, who was on the 2012 TIME 100 list, plans to hold his "We Are The Future" rally on Aug. 26 during the Republican National Convention. #GOP2012 Leggi tutto.
Marco Rubio will be here on Monday night during the RNC for the event, "Nuestra Noche: Midnight in Ybor." Rubio was featured on TIME’s cover titled, “Party Crashers” back in 2010. #GOP2012 Leggi tutto.
POLITICO will be taking over The Rivergate Tower during the RNC. Fun Fact: The manifesto adopted at the 2004 Republican Convention was the longest in the party’s history with 48,000 words. #GOP2012 Leggi tutto.