Must see! For New Yorkers it's PS1 ten times better and bigger, with kids, break and contemporarydancers, good food, bookshop and trades, concerts... A huge workshop open to all in an amazing hall
You can find music, visual arts, dance, artists, researchers and even young entrepreneurs: this is a great place that offers culture for everyone! Leggi tutto
Concerts, exhibitions, artperformances, concept store, they have it all! And if you find yourself starved by soaking up all the culture, make sure you hit le Café Caché for a drink or a fat burger!
** : Une fois par mois le samedi retrouvez le bal populaire du 104. Ambiance musette jusqu'à 23h30. Un grand espace où les enfants peuvent courir et une piste de danse pour les grands! Wifi. Buvette.
Toujours dans l'achat solidaire, on vient fouiner dans les dons des habitants du quartier et trouver son bonheur tout en aidant la causeEmmaüs et la réinsertion des personnes en grande difficulté. Leggi tutto
Last Saturday, Volcom Clothing hosted an afternoon celebrating the brand and its unique values in Paris: "The World Of Volcom Stone"That was a night to remember! Video: Leggi tutto
Today! Volcom presents 'The World of Volcom Stone at 104 CENTQUATRE, 2pm-9pm: Volcom Skate team Demo, World Premiere of Volcom's new film, "True To This" and Live Concert from The Black BananasLeggi tutto
Meet the city’s most talented emerging artists at work in this 19th-century funeral parlor turned studio and gallery. For more local tips, follow us on 4sq or check out
Au Centquatre, un étrange appartementa fait son apparition : une antenne hybride d’Emmaüs. Ce bric-à-brac présente les meubles rafistolés par Emmaüs Défi.
Don't miss the world premiere of 'True to This', a Veeco Productions film, October 5th 2013 at LE CENTQUATRE - 104 in Paris. EN: Leggi tutto