Posto per la colazione · Strip District · 23 consigli e recensioni
James Patrick: Why anyone would wait in line at Pamela's or Deluca's for breakfast (unless hungover) is beyond me. Trust in the specials and pancakes. Perfect lunch sandwiches too... try the muffaletta.
James Patrick: Arrive early and visit the top level for a Burgatory burger before the game. Don't forget the fries... and take the time to seek out a Yuengling on draft.
Luogo panoramico · South Shore · 77 consigli e recensioni
Aaron Cruz: One of best views ever seen. The bridges, three rivers, surrounding hills, Fall colors, it's all right there! Watch yourself rise above it a old-school, historic wooden incline car.
Coffee-shop · Grant Street · 8 consigli e recensioni
Marcus J: Last time I checked, the best people & the coolest baristas work here. If you need a laugh, they're always here to give you one :) Haters should never come back.