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40 posti aggiornati
40 posti incluso Peck’s Food, Roll N Roaster, Bayleaf, Breezy Dog
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"The chocolate chip cookie is singular and outstanding. They make them."
Bar Caffè
· Brooklyn, Stati Uniti
8.8 "This place rules. The black and white cookies are the best I've had. Also a good place to drill back an espresso ."
· Brooklyn, Stati Uniti
"Great food and service, and if you show up on a bicycle with your bicycle helmet, you get a free, special bottle of water!"
· Brooklyn, Stati Uniti
9.0 "This is the best Indian food restaurant in the area. It is very underrated here on Foursquare. The staff are really cool and they have great food. The samosas beat the competition."
· Brooklyn, Stati Uniti
6.9 "This place rules. Great hot dogs . Go here instead of crappy "Riis Park Beach Bazaar.""
Furgone gastronomia
· Breezy Point, Stati Uniti
6.9 "Hawt Dawgs! They have a good dog, here, and good toppings, and complimentary pickle slices, which is very nice, indeed!"
· Queens, Stati Uniti