Tipico locale Kosher nel pieno del Ghetto ebraico. Turistico e caotico, c'è da aspettare un po'. Sconsigliato in orario di punta. Cucina genuina, personale alla mano. Prezzi sopra la media.
Все вкусно, но блин, итальянцы так любят подсовывать хлеб с водой, а потом требовать за это деньги. Если вам не нужна вода с хлебом сразу отказывайтесь.
Don't go there if you want to have a lovely meal!! The food wasn't very good (cold, looks eaten before) and the service was terrible. If you don't want to be upset all evening, stay away from here.
Классика римской ресторанной жадности и разводки. Хлеб на столе уже включен в счет (€2), как и вода (€2,5). Блюда простые и ничем не примечательные. Ждать нужно долго.
Awful schnitzel. Dry, too cooked, tasteless and without anything else on the plate ! Terrible "risotto"! The rice was floating around in a fatty sauce. And they make you pay for the tap water!
The food is ok but the service is really bad unfortunately. As the other reviews say €3 cover charge the food quality doesn't match the price. We went to get kosher food but I wouldn't come back again