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Best Buy

Best Buy

Negozio di elettronica e Servizio IT
Mira Mesa, San Diego
Icona Consigli e recensioni17 Consigli e recensioni
  • geek squad
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  • Mario C.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Mario CastilloAprile 22, 2015
    They don't have a lot of option of any product, but the return policy and service is very good!
    Voto positivo2Voto negativo
  • Bryce G.
    Bryce GriffinMaggio 27, 2011
    È stato qui più di 100 volte
    You can save time by calling the store and having them hold items for you to come in and purchase. Also some sales can also be made over the phone and delivered to ur house!
    Voto positivo3Voto negativo
  • Munitio
    MunitioOttobre 23, 2011
    Be sure to check out the special Munitio MW3 billet earphones. Take a photo and share your experience with us at
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  • Fiji A.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Fiji AllanAprile 29, 2013
    È stato qui più di 5 volte
    Wondering if its better to get the accessories here? If I get the Mac Mini
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  • Ima S.
    Ima SomersGennaio 3, 2010
    If you are a Charger fan, catch the bus to the game for $10, round trip at the back of the Best Buy parking lot!
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  • Jessica E.
    Jessica EddyOttobre 21, 2012
    website says they open at 10am but nope, the sign on the door says 11am.
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  • Lysabeth L.
    When getting a camera fixed through geek squad, ask for it to be sent to the manufacturer directly- otherwise they send it to a contracted service center that won't fix the problem!
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  • Sandro A.
    Sandro AlbertiMarzo 9, 2017
    Horrible service. Every time I come here, a-holes pretending to be employed, but never actually working. Today it was… Reza who finally showed up half hour late, 'assisted' by some jerk from Audio.
    Voto positivoVoto negativo
  • Sabrina S.
    Sabrina SloanNovembre 25, 2011
    È stato qui più di 100 volte
    Black friday is here and over 100+ people spent thanksgiving in the cold instead of with family.... Just to save $300 on a TV haha oh holiday
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  • Neha D.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Neha DubeyAgosto 31, 2016
    Helpful staff here.
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  • Joey H.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Joey HernandezOttobre 29, 2017
    È stato qui più di 10 volte
    overpriced, but they have occasional deals on ipads
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  • Optima Design
    Optima DesignFebbraio 16, 2013
    Geek Squad at this location will destroy and recycle your old hard drives. For free!
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  • Conrad & Jenn R.icona di cuore sull'immagine utente
    Conrad & Jenn R.Dicembre 25, 2014
    used video games
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  • Drew S.
    Drew SteckAgosto 6, 2014
    È stato qui più di 5 volte
    Could not find an HDMI to VGA cable to save my life. Bummer.
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  • Jake C.
    Jake CannonNovembre 9, 2010
    The BestBuy service center actually fixed my kit lens that I broke in half just fine ;)
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  • Jacob M.
    Jacob MelerMaggio 11, 2011
    È stato qui più di 5 volte
    Every Wednesday is 20% off ink and paper! Woot!
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  • Eric M.
    Eric MGiugno 4, 2012
    Only dbags like Jake C go to best buy!
    Voto positivoVoto negativo
Foto65 Foto

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