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Wolferajd W.

Wolferajd W.

Your regular bouncy Wolfdox. 15 years of Wolferajd! Want to know more? Visit and sign up today! Joining guarantees hugs


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Consigli di Wolferajd

PatelniaVarsavia, Voivodato della Masovia

Do not let yourself get useless ads about learning English. If u can read this tip!

Maggio 3, 201212 voti positivi

Warszawa KasprzakaVarsavia, Voivodato della Masovia

Na stacji PKP też nie lepiej. Palą pomimo zakazu palenia

Febbraio 26, 20135 voti positivi

Dresden HauptbahnhofDresda, Sassonia

If you are having Polish Zloty and want to exchange the money - Beware! ReiseBank do not exchange it and no bank near the center will do it!

Marzo 25, 20132 voti positivi

Rondo Zgrupowania AK "Radosław" (d. Rondo Babka)Varsavia, Voivodato della Masovia

To jest Rondo Radosława, zwane przez tubylców Rondem Babka.

Aprile 25, 20131 voto a favore

Blue CityVarsavia, Voivodato della Masovia

Most clothes stores are opening at 10am at earliest. Good to know if you got here to buy quickly pants

Ottobre 8, 20121 voto a favore
e 73 altri...