One of the rare museums kids enjoy. Great family outing. Leggi tutto.
Der Luginbühl Skulpturenpark befindet sich in Mötschwil, Öffnungszeiten und Führungen nach Vereinbarung. (079 665 08 47) Leggi tutto.
Awesome interactive museum. Real flight simulator rotating 360 degrees is the best atraction there. Leggi tutto.
Die Ausstellung zeigt dreidimensionale Nachbildungen von erkrankten Körperteilen in Form von Moulagen. Die spezielle Technik liefert faszinierend echt aussehende Resultate in Körpergrösse. Leggi tutto.
Einblicke in die vielfältige Kulturgeschichte von Stadt und Kanton Zug (kirchliche & weltliche Kunst, bürgerliche Wohnkultur, Handwerk und Gewerbe). Es finden diverse Veranstaltungen statt. Leggi tutto.
A medieval castle on the shores of Lake Geneva. The iPod audio guide is worth getting and if you’re up for climbing a few hundred stairs, the highest tower provides excellent photo opportunities. Leggi tutto.
The permanent MEG collection boasts 100,000 objects and 300,000 books/ documents from Africa, America, Asia, Europe and Oceania, but the museum’s temporary exhibitions are the highlight. Leggi tutto.
The museum opened in 2005 and, two years later was awarded the title of the best museum in Europe. Leggi tutto.
Das grösste Auengebiet des Schweizer Mittellandes, ein Biotop von nationaler Bedeutung. Ihre laufende Renaturierung bringt Fauna und Flora den notwendigen Raum. Ein lohnender Wanderausflug! Leggi tutto.
Im Rahmen eines privaten Apéros kann der Bürgermeisterkeller gemietet werden. Leggi tutto.
This museum houses French artist Jean Debuffet's impressive collection of l’art brut - a label used to describe art created outside the boundaries of official art culture. Leggi tutto.
nice park, with green tea ceremony center and an interesting history. Leggi tutto.
Worldwide biggest collection of works by the artist Paul Klee; the cultural centre designed by the Italian architect Renzo Piano consists of three wave-shaped building sections. Leggi tutto.
Small, intimate museum for the writer and adopted son of Ticino, Hermann Hesse, who lived and wrote in southern Switzerland for at least half a century Leggi tutto.
Im Blog gibts Neues und viele Bilder, auch von der Eröffnung am 23. September 2011 mit viel Prominenz. [photo:] Leggi tutto.