Hanna Jane Aguipo

Hanna Jane Aguipo


Musician. Pitbull lover. Doctor. Writer. Trekker.

Dumaguete City
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Hanna Jane Aguipo
3 posti aggiornati Agosto 10, 2013
3 posti incluso Mooon Cafe, Mooon Cafe, Moon Mart
Hanna Jane Aguipo
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Hanna Jane Aguipo
31 posti aggiornati
31 posti incluso BubblePop Tea & Desserts, Isla Del Mar, Main Library, Café Mamia
    "Ang guard, every 30mins mag rounds. Hehehe"
    Hanna Jane AguipoHanna Jane Aguipo · Dicembre 6, 2012
    · Dumaguete, Filippine
    "The food is good but the service crew sucks big time. They make you wait for 1 hr and it turns up your order was taken for granted. It happened to me not once but thrice already. Better change crew."
    Hanna Jane AguipoHanna Jane Aguipo · Ottobre 22, 2012
    Bar Caffè
    · Dumaguete, Filippine