Manhattan Beach
1 Consiglio
5 posti aggiornati
5 posti incluso Bouchon, Pia Hair Salon, Candy Cane Lane, Charlie's Pantry
41 posti aggiornati
41 posti incluso Starbucks, 24 Hour Fitness, Elegance Spa, Marmalade Cafe
Liste di ShannonListe create da ShannonListe Shannon seguite
"Always make a nice cocktail and relax!"
Abitazione (privata)
· Redondo Beach, Stati Uniti
"All the food here is very good and the employees are lovely!"
Frutti di mare
· Redondo Beach, Stati Uniti
9.2"Cute on the outside, but the area is shady..."
· Santa Monica, Stati Uniti
"Amazing and relaxing"
Centro termale
· Torrance, Stati Uniti
8.8"Very funny! Crowded! Good time."
· Hermosa Beach, Stati Uniti
8.5"Yuri is the best!"
· Torrance, Stati Uniti