Shahrzad Ostadhassan

Shahrzad Ostadhassan


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Shahrzad Ostadhassan
1 posti aggiornati Novembre 30, 2018
1 posto incluso Bam-e Booali | بام بوعلى
Shahrzad Ostadhassan
21 posti aggiornati
21 posti incluso Fresco | فرسکو, Zhooan Café & Restaurant | کافه و رستوران ژوان, کافه رستوران بن بست | Bonbast Cofee Restaurant, Grizzle
Shahrzad Ostadhassan
5 posti aggiornati
5 posti incluso Ofogh Gym | باشگاه بدنسازی افق, Burgerator | برگراتور, Cassette Café | کافه کاست, Ab-o-Atash Park | پارک آب و آتش
    Consigli recenti di Shahrzad
    "Big space yet hard to have privacy because of the crowd Barg kebab is perfect, as a sensitive person who hates smell of meat, it doesn't smell at all. fully cooked but literally melts in your mouth"
    Shahrzad OstadhassanShahrzad Ostadhassan · Novembre 30, 2018
    "I used to be a fan of their burgers, but it's awful now! Realy Small piece of "cold!" burger without any walnut(it had on the menu) and unmelted cheese! Most of the bread was literally empty!! Awful!"
    Shahrzad OstadhassanShahrzad Ostadhassan · Settembre 21, 2017
    "کیفیت گوشت عالی، امکان انتخاب نوع نون همبرگر و مخلفات و نوع پنیر که به تنهایی ویژگی عالی ای هستش، دکور و فضا مناسب و خوب، کارکنان مجرب و مودب، در کل همه چی عالی بود 👍"
    Shahrzad OstadhassanShahrzad Ostadhassan · Aprile 7, 2016
    · Teheran, Iran
    "Little bit dry but delicious food, friendly and energetic staff! They make you enjoy your time there even in crowded hours!!!"
    Shahrzad OstadhassanShahrzad Ostadhassan · Febbraio 14, 2016
    "If you are on a date, never ever ever go there!!!! Eating doner sandwich is much much more messier than you can possibly think!!!"
    Shahrzad OstadhassanShahrzad Ostadhassan · Febbraio 12, 2016
    "Heaven sweet heaven! There is 4 doner beside each other, 4 different tastes and they literally force you to taste each meat so you can choose! Speechless!!!!"
    Shahrzad OstadhassanShahrzad Ostadhassan · Febbraio 12, 2016