Springfield (Mo.) Area Chamber of Commerce

Springfield (Mo.) Area Chamber of Commerce


We are a private, voluntary, not-for-profit organization of business and professional people dedicated to improving the economic environment of Springfield, Missouri, and the surrounding area. -- More than 2,200 member businesses and organizations -- Employees of Chamber member businesses total more than 100,000 -- Businesses with 25 or fewer employees comprise nearly 80 percent of our membership

Springfield, MO
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Springfield (Mo.) Area Chamber of Commerce non segue ancora nessuno.
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"Welcome to the Chamber! Ask our front desk person about our relocation magazine and community map."
· Springfield, Stati Uniti
"Check out the Chamber's Good Morning, Springfield! networking breakfast held on the ice each year in October."
Pista di pattinaggio
· Springfield, Stati Uniti
"Check out the 150 area businesses at the Chamber's Biz & Technology Expo, Thurs. Oct. 6 2011. Stop by the Chamber booth by the main showroom doors for an exhibitor map & info on how to win $$ prizes!"