Ruth Dowd

Ruth Dowd


Atlanta, GA
  • 3 Suggerimenti
  • 6 Follower
  • 5 Seguendo
  • Liste 3

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Principali città di Ruth
1 Lista creata · 2 Consigli
1 Lista creata · 1 Consiglio
Ruth Dowd
3 posti aggiornati Settembre 21, 2013
3 posti incluso Zen Tea, Murphey Candler Park, Woody's Famous CheeseSteaks
Ruth Dowd
10 posti aggiornati
10 posti incluso Regal Hollywood, The Colonnade Restaurant, Pho Dai Loi 2, Shoya Izakaya
Ruth Dowd
8 posti aggiornati
8 posti incluso Woody's Famous CheeseSteaks, Murphey Candler Park, Verde, Lee's Bakery
Liste di RuthListe create da RuthListe Ruth seguite
"This is the place for the best Philly Cheesesteak in Atlanta! So delicious.."
Ruth DowdRuth Dowd · Settembre 21, 2013
· Atlanta, Stati Uniti
"This is a destination...for the absolute best Philly Cheesesteak in Atlanta It is a tiny place in the middle of Virginia Ave at Monroe. They chop the meat and make these from scratch! So delicious!"
Ruth DowdRuth Dowd · Settembre 21, 2013
· Atlanta, Stati Uniti
"Wonderful tea, great food. Live acoustic music on the weekends."
Ruth DowdRuth Dowd · Settembre 21, 2013
Sala da tè
· Chamblee, Stati Uniti