Rusty Redenbacher

Rusty Redenbacher

Indianapolis, IN
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Rusty Redenbacher
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Rusty Redenbacher
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    "All friends of NORTHSIDE NEWS (5408 N. College) know that the CHRISTMAS PARTY at THE JAZZ KITCHEN is legendary every year. I'll be DJing and this WILL BE THE JAM...AGAIN!!!"
    Rusty RedenbacherRusty Redenbacher · Dicembre 23, 2009
    Jazz club
    · Indianapolis, Stati Uniti
    "My homeboy, DJ METROGNOME hosts 'TAKE THAT TUESDAYS' and it will be LIVE. He plays the best hip-hop and r&b and the crowd is consistently cool"
    Rusty RedenbacherRusty Redenbacher · Dicembre 23, 2009
    Bar sport
    · Indianapolis, Stati Uniti
    "Headed to the MELODY INN for tonight's JUXTAPOZE. WAVES IN TIME, A2 INDUSTRIES DJ'S and I'll be on the mic for a bit with the band. Come through with a canned good for GLEANERS."
    Rusty RedenbacherRusty Redenbacher · Dicembre 23, 2009
    · Indianapolis, Stati Uniti