Ruslan Abdikeev

Ruslan Abdikeev

Enjoying fragments of the unevenly distributed future in SF.

San Francisco, CA
  • 14 Suggerimenti
  • 155 Follower
  • 158 Seguendo
  • Liste 6
Le liste di Ruslan su Tutte le città
  • San Francisco
  • Monterey
  • Palm Springs
  • Thermal
  • Saint Petersburg
  • South Lake Tahoe
  • Tutte le città
Principali città di Ruslan
San Francisco
12 Consigli
1 Consiglio
Palm Springs
1 Lista creata
1 Consiglio
Saint Petersburg
1 Lista creata
South Lake Tahoe
1 Consiglio
Carica altro
Carica altro
Ruslan Abdikeev
2 posti aggiornati Maggio 27, 2014
2 posti incluso Purple Palm Restaurant, Pyshechnaya
Ruslan Abdikeev
1 posti aggiornati Dicembre 21, 2013
1 posto incluso Ruth Asawa's San Francisco Fountain
Ruslan Abdikeev
70 posti aggiornati
70 posti incluso La Costanera, Coda Jazz Club, Wabasha Street Caves, Googleplex - Volleyball Court
Ruslan Abdikeev
101 posti aggiornati
101 posti incluso Dinner Table For Four With A View, Miller's Citrus Grove, Electronic Arts Atrium Cafe, Neurnberger's German Bratwurst With Sauerkraut At Farmer's Market
    Consigli recenti di Ruslan
    "There is a block note on the northwest railing top of the bridge. It has pages with QR codes for the map, and field notes. Super cool!"
    Ruslan AbdikeevRuslan Abdikeev · Gennaio 28, 2024
    · San Francisco, Stati Uniti
    "Beautiful tangible mathematical puzzles to solve :)"
    Ruslan AbdikeevRuslan Abdikeev · Agosto 25, 2020
    Scultura all'aperto
    · South Lake Tahoe, Stati Uniti
    "SF has rich history of street art, and the journey of a blue piggy paintcloud is not to be missed!"
    Ruslan AbdikeevRuslan Abdikeev · Dicembre 12, 2019
    Street Art
    · San Francisco, Stati Uniti
    "Kouign Amanns here are absolutely divine (try a pear one!). If you are looking for a late breakfast -- indulge yourself with Burrata and Prosciutto Tartin."
    Ruslan AbdikeevRuslan Abdikeev · Dicembre 14, 2018
    · San Francisco, Stati Uniti
    "You should absolutely try amazing Nuernberg Bratwurst and Frikadellen -- the highlights of the "breakfast at the Market" mornings!"
    Ruslan AbdikeevRuslan Abdikeev · Gennaio 26, 2014
    Mercato dei contadini
    · San Francisco, Stati Uniti
    "Date shake: decadent coolness in the desert!"
    Ruslan AbdikeevRuslan Abdikeev · Gennaio 1, 2014
    · Thermal, Stati Uniti