Randy Fussell

Randy Fussell


Atlanta, GA
  • 2 Suggerimenti
  • 41 Follower
  • 35 Seguendo
  • Liste 2

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Principali città di Randy
1 Consiglio
1 Consiglio
Randy Fussell
5 posti aggiornati
5 posti incluso La Fonda Latina, Roaster, Double B Coffee & Tea, Всё на своём месте
Randy Fussell
8 posti aggiornati
8 posti incluso Restaurante Tinajas, Traveler's Coffee, Starbucks, House of Chan
Liste di RandyListe create da RandyListe Randy seguite
"Would NOT recommend. They have an outdated English menu, and will charge you based on the "updated prices" in the Russian menu. The difference is about 1200 rubles (~20 US dollars). Overpriced."
Randy FussellRandy Fussell · Ottobre 22, 2017
· Voronež, Russia
"Best coffee shop I've been to in Moscow so far. They also have an English version of their menu 😀"
Randy FussellRandy Fussell · Agosto 19, 2017
· Mosca, Russia